项目名称: 等离子体层顶位形统计研究
项目编号: No.41274147
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 张效信
作者单位: 国家卫星气象中心
项目金额: 120万元
中文摘要: 等离子体层顶位形是内磁层研究中最重要的参数之一,在等离子体层和环电流、辐射带的耦合过程中起着重要的作用,也是近地空间地磁活动强度的重要因子。本项目利用多个太阳活动周期的卫星等离子体层观测数据,建立等离子体层顶穿越数据库,研究等离子体层顶位置与地磁指数(如Kp、Dst、AE、ASYH)和太阳风参数的关系,研究不同太阳活动周期等离子体层顶位形的变化规律。借助动态全球等离子体层模式,优化不同时间延迟的上游太阳风和行星际磁场(IMF)参数,合理提取等离子体层顶穿越对应的上游太阳风和IMF参数,建立等离子体层顶穿越与上游太阳风和IMF参数的数据库,通过非线性多参数拟合的方法构建等离子体层顶位形统计模式。该项目的实施有助于研究等离子体层和等离子体层顶的动力学过程,研究等离子体层、环电流和辐射带的耦合过程,以及为等离子体层的监测以及图像反演提供依据。
中文关键词: 等离子体层;等离子体层顶;动态模型;太阳风;统计研究
英文摘要: The plasmapause shape and position is one of the most important parameters in the inner magnetospheric researches,plays the key role in the coupling interaction of the plasmasphere, the ring current and the radiation belts in the magnetosphere, and is also an important indicator for the geomagnetic activities in the geospace. Multi-satellites observations of the plasmapause crossings covering several solar cycles will be used to compile a plasmapause crossings database, which will be used to investigate the relationships between plasmapause shape and position and geomagnetic indices (e.g., Kp, Dst, AE, and ASYH) during different solar cycles. The plasmapause outputs of the dynamic global core plasmaspheric model(DGCPM) with different time-delayed upstream solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) inputs will be used to optionally match upstream solar wind and IMF parameters for the plasmapause crossings so as to construct a database of plasmapause crosssing and corresponding upstream solar wind and IMF parameters. Based on this database, a statistical model of plasmapause shape and position driven by upstream solar wind and IMF will be developed through the nonliear multi-parametrs best fitting process. This model will provide a basis for both geomagnetic activities and the inner magnetospheric researc
英文关键词: plasmasphere;plasmapause;dynamic model;solar wind;statistics