项目名称: 基于细-微观孔隙分布的混凝土渗流问题的多尺度关联模型和算法
项目编号: No.11301392
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 关晓飞
作者单位: 同济大学
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 本项目将研究混凝土的细-微观孔隙分布网络的表征方法与随机分布模型;设计一套面向混凝土渗流行为模拟的多尺度关联模型;研究相应的高效多尺度算法及相关的数学力学理论;并开发相应的软件和进行有工程背景的数值模拟,检验算法的有效性。目标是探讨混凝土细-微观孔隙网络分布对宏观渗流行为的影响,实现孔隙结构与宏观性能的耦合分析,为混凝土结构的渗流行为模拟提供一套新的高效计算方法,部分的解决遇到的数学力学理论问题;并努力将其推广应用到含有多尺度裂隙和节理的地下岩体渗流行为的研究。
中文关键词: 孔隙网络模型;渗流行为;随机多尺度模型;收敛性分析;
英文摘要: In this project, the characterization method and stochastic model of meso-microscopic pore-network of concretes will be studied, and a multiscale model will be developed to simulate the permeability behavior of concretes. After that, the corresponding mathematical and mechanical theory will be explored, and the corresponding software and numerical simulation, based on the engineering background, will be studied to verify the validation of this model. The aim of this project is to investigate the effective of meso-microscopic pore-network for the macroscopic permeability behavior of concretes, and achieve the coupling analysis of the pore structure and macroscopic behavior of concretes. By this way, this research will offer a new and high efficiency computational method to the understanding of the permeability behaviors, and obtain the corresponding mathematical and mechanical theory in part. At last, this model can be extended and applied to the prediction of the permeability behavior of the rock mass with random distribution of multiscale cracks/joints.
英文关键词: Pore-network model;Permeability behavior;Stochastic multiscale model;Convergence analysis;