项目名称: 基于全极化超宽带穿墙雷达稀疏快照的建筑物成像方法研究
项目编号: No.61461012
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 晋良念
作者单位: 桂林电子科技大学
项目金额: 43万元
中文摘要: 对整座建筑物内部结构布局进行反演成像是国际学术前沿的研究热点与难点,该方面的突破在军民两用领域都具有十分重要意义。建筑结构布局反演成像常采用合成孔径雷达(SAR)体制,它通过机载或车载平台移动天线合成所需的阵列孔径。但是,对于周边地形复杂的敌占建筑侦察、罪犯藏匿建筑和地下结构勘探等特殊环境,使用这些平台就非常困难了。取而代之的是便携式全极化超宽带快照雷达,其使用固定天线阵列在空间位置进行稀疏快照,处理后即可重建建筑布局图像,因而具有很强的灵活性和可操作性,非常适合特殊环境。为此,本项目拟系统地研究基于全极化超宽带穿墙雷达稀疏快照的建筑结构布局反演问题,主要内容包括全极化超宽带雷达天线平面阵列的优化设计、建筑结构布局的散射机理分析、全极化超宽带雷达高分辨成像方法、建筑结构布局图像的重构与可视化增强方法。本项目的研究为丰富和完善穿墙雷达理论和方法提供新的契机。
中文关键词: 穿墙雷达;建筑物透视成像;散射机理;特征提取
英文摘要: Mapping the interior structures and layouts of building becomes a hot research topic,but faces great challenges. Its evolution is of great important for the military and civillian fields. Synthetic aperture radar(SAR) imaging approaches are typically for building imaging. However,the generation of SAR images requires movememt of the array aperture along a prescribed path. This is extremely difficult for SAR platforms based upon ground or airborne vehicles , especially in hostile environments.This proposal introduces a portable full polarimetric ultrawideband(UWB) snapshots radar sensing systems as an alternative to SAR.This system avoids SAR deficiencies by not requiring aperture movement along a path when collecting backscatter from multiple location. Instead,a single finite planar antenna aperture is utilized to collect data in random and multiple snapshot locations and to compose building imaging by image fusion techniques. So it has advatage of the attrributes of flexibility and reliability. This proposal investigates building imaging techniques for full polarimetric UWB snapshots radar,especially mapping layouts of building. The main studies will focus on following four aspects:1)to optimize the design of full polarimetric UWB antenna planar array for through-the-wall;2)to analyze scattering mechanisms from buildings;3)to investigate high resolution imaging for full polarization UWB radar in single snapshot location;4)to develop building layout determination and reconstruction visualization enhancement.The research of this project provides new opportunities for enriching and improving through-the-wall radar theory and techniques.
英文关键词: through-the-wall radar;building perspective imaging;scattering mechanism;feature extraction