项目名称: 准粒子的量子控制及其在量子信息处理中的应用
项目编号: No.61475033
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 半导体科学、光学和光电子学
项目作者: 衣学喜
作者单位: 东北师范大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 以量子多体系统为研究对象,以量子控制为手段,在量子多体系统中实现准粒子的控制、特殊量子态的制备、纠缠态的传播及量子稳态的快速实现。特别要系统分析量子控制在人造量子系统中实现的可能性及研究结果用于发展未来量子相干器件的可能性。 具体地,将在光晶格(optical lattice)超冷原子、耦合的腔阵列、自旋链中,通过定域的量子反馈控制和Lyapunov控制实现准粒子的调控、特殊量子态,如边缘态(edge state)和纠缠态的制备,并实现纠缠态在量子多体系统中的传播和量子多体系统稳态的快速实现。研究将强调定域的量子控制(只对多体系统中个别量子系统施行控制)对多体系统集体行为的干预,突出与单光子、单原子量子控制的区别。研究将在封闭和开放的量子系统中分别展开,对开放系统要考虑Markov和non-Markov两种情况。研究还要考虑国内外已经开展的实验工作,利用系统实际参数服务和引导实验。
中文关键词: 量子控制;准粒子;量子信息;多体系统
英文摘要: In this project, we shall focus on quantum control of many-body system, aiming at the manipulation of quasi-particle and the preparation of special quantum state, for example, the edge states. We shall also focus on the propagation of entangled state over the many-body systems under quantum control. To be specific, by Feedback control and Lyapunov control, we will explore the possibility to control the quasi-particle in optical lattices, spin-chains and coupled cavity arrays. The entanglement propagation in many-body system plays an important role in quantum information processing, we thus will investigate the propagation entangled state in those system by quantum control of quasi-particle. The project will combine both new concepts that many appear in the study and the realizability of the proposal. We should emphasize that the present control proposal is different from that for a single atom and photon. For a control of a single particle, the control exerts on the whole system, but the control in the present proposal is limited-it can only be implemented on one or few particles in the many-body system. We shall extend the study from closed quantum system to open quantum system, considering both cases of Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics.
英文关键词: quantum control;quasiparticle;quantum information;many-body system