项目名称: 非理想分布式无线通信系统基础理论与仿真实现
项目编号: No.61201186
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电子学与信息系统
项目作者: 冯伟
作者单位: 清华大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 面向4G的标准化工作正如火如荼地开展,分布式无线通信系统(DWCS)最终取代蜂窝已成为共识。面对天线分布受限、联合处理受限和发送端信道状态信息(CSIT)受限等实用化约束,学术界对非理想DWCS(NI-DWCS)的研究正逐步兴起。但NI-DWCS的理论极限尚属空白,兼顾性能和复杂度的算法尚成果稀少。本项目致力于刻画并解决NI-DWCS中天线分簇、协作小区分组以及协同功率分配等关键问题,从 1)建立问题的数学模型,2)挖掘问题的数学特征,3)提出系统性能极限三方面开展理论研究,并提出实用化天线分簇准则、协作小区分组策略以及协同功率分配算法,完成仿真实现。本项目的特点是:1)基础性:揭示NI-DWCS中天线分簇、协作小区分组以及协同功率分配问题的数学本质,提出性能极限;2)创新性:NI-DWCS正逐步引起关注,但成果稀少,本项目在国际上较早地提出在此方向开展研究,有取得突破的潜力。
中文关键词: 分布式无线通信系统;天线分布受限;联合处理受限;CSIT受限;
英文摘要: Currently, the standardization for the 4G mobile communication system is proceeding rapidly, and it has become a common view that the infrastructure of wireless communications will evolve from cellular system into DWCS. Considering the practical constraints such as non-ideal antenna deployment, non-ideal joint signal processing, and non-ideal channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT), more and more researchers begin to focus on the non-ideal DWCS (NI-DWCS). However, the fundamental limit of NI-DWCS is still unknown. Also, there are only a few methods proposed for NI-DWCS, which can give consideration to both system performance and computational complexity. This project aims to characterize and address the scientific issues abstracted from the practicability of DWCS. First, we will establish the mathematical models for the problems of antenna clustering, cooperative cell grouping and collaborative power allocation; second, we try to discover the mathematical characteristics of the above-mentioned three problems; finally, we expect to propose a rule for determining the optimal antenna cluster size, a cooperative cell grouping method as well as collaborative power allocation schemes. Simulations will be provided along with the research. This project is fundamental since it focuses on discovering the mathe
英文关键词: Distributed wireless communication system;non-ideal antenna deployment;non-ideal joint signal processing;non-ideal CSIT;