项目名称: 无线网络物理层安全通信:协作与竞争
项目编号: No.61271232
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 王保云
作者单位: 南京邮电大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 无线网络中相互干扰的节点在面对窃听者窃听的威胁时又有相互协作的需要,因此构成了协调、协作与竞争的相互关系。本项目将从节点间的竞争与协作两个角度研究无线网络物理层安全通信。首先,一般性的界定出不依赖于信道参数的无线网络安全速率的区域,为无线网络安全性能的分析提供评判依据。对于节点间的协作,研究如何设计最优的中继函数与协作策略以提高安全速率,进而研究多节点间的交互式协作策略。对于相互竞争的理性节点,则研究如何协调其传输方案以及它们间的协作策略以保证各节点公平的可达安全码率的同时系统总的安全性能趋于最优。针对此,我们将利用博弈理论研究相互竞争的节点间的协作,通过议价博弈得到有外在窃听者的多用户信道的最佳Pareto操作点,并基于划分式联盟形成博弈研究多用户信道中发送节点间的联盟形成。本项目的研究将为无线网络安全通信中设计更为理性的、更为高效的协议和协作策略提供理论指导和强有力的工具。
中文关键词: 物理层安全;无线通信;竞争与协作;博弈论;凸优化
英文摘要: In wireless networks, it is necessary for the interfering nodes to cooperate with each other when facing external eavesdroppers, which results in the following interactions among the nodes: coordination, cooperation and competition. The physical layer security with both cooperation and competition in wireless networks will be studied in this project. Firstly, a general secrecy rate region independent of the channel parameters will be bounded to provide a metric for security performance analysis in wireless networks. For node cooperation, the optimal relaying function and cooperation strategies to improve the secrecy rate will be devised first, and then the interactive cooperation strategies among the network nodes. For the rational competing nodes, the transmission schemes and cooperation strategies for the nodes will be coordinated to ensure fair secrecy rate for each of them, meanwhile the system's total security performance would be near optimal. With this purpose, we will develop game-theoretic models to study the cooperation among competitive nodes. The Pareto optimal point of the multi-user channel with external eavesdroppers will be derived by using bargaining game theory. And the coalition formation of the transmitters in multi-user channel will be studied based on partition-form coalitional formation ga
英文关键词: physical-layer secrecy;wireless communication;cooperation and competition;game theory;convex optimization