项目名称: 基于集值函数描述的移动机器人自主行为基础问题研究
项目编号: No.61203340
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 谷丰
作者单位: 中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 在线估计、运动控制和行为优化是实现移动机器人自主行为能力的三个核心问题,这三个问题之间是紧密耦合与相互制约的,如何对其耦合关系进行描述与处理,在统一的框架下统筹考虑整体性能的优化问题是决定移动机器人自主行为能力的关键。但是,对此问题的系统化的研究尚不多见。同时,研究表明,不确定性是体现上述三个问题之间有机联系的主要因素,而实际机器人中的不确定性往往表现出很强的集合有界性,鉴于此,本项目试图利用集值函数这一表征集合的函数概念来研究移动机器人的自主行为能力问题,通过探讨基于集值函数的自主行为问题描述、及其中的高效数值计算、集值估计、运动控制、行为优化等问题,并辅以在实际机器人系统上的实验验证,建立一套以集值函数为基础的、移动机器人自主控制问题的一体化解决方案。本项目的研究成果对于扩展机器人自主行为能力问题的研究具有较强的理论价值,同时对提高移动机器人在复杂环境中的自主行为能力也有一定借鉴意义。
中文关键词: 集值分析;机器人自主行为;集员滤波;主动建模;自动微分
英文摘要: Estimation,control and optimal planning are the three key problems of the mobile robots autonomous behavior and they are tightly coupled and interdependent. The relationship of the three problems detemins the preformance of mobiel robot autonomous behavior. Thus, how to describe the coupled relationship and optimize the performance of the mobile robot system in a uniform frame is the key solution for improving the autonomous behavior, which is less focused on in recent years. Some researches have showed that the uncertainty description and solution is main organic link among the three problems and the uncertainty is usually bounded in many practical applications. Thus, in our research, the set theory based set-valued function which can well describe the bounded characteristics is used to sovle the autonomous behavior problem. Based on the set-valued function, the integration solution scheme is going to be built by studying the problem formulaiton , efficient numerical calculation, set-valued estimation, motion control, optimal planning and experiment. The research result has the important theorical value for expanding the autonomous behavior research and also can improve the prefomance of the mobile robot in the complex surroudings.
英文关键词: set-valued description;mobile robot autonomous behavior;set-membership filter;active modeling;differentiation automatic