项目名称: 语义驱动的个性化虚拟人重建技术研究
项目编号: No.61272334
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 党岗
作者单位: 中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 本项目致力于解决虚拟人(也称为化身)的个性化重建问题,针对低成本设备获取的不完美数据,利用语义信息(先验知识等),建立个性化的虚拟人外形(外貌与形体)和体感驱动,在满足先验知识等语义信息的前提下尽可能地逼近真实数据。该方法基于语义驱动进行虚拟人的个性化重建,虽然受低成本Kinect设备和采集条件的限制,处理的不完美原始数据精度更低、具有更强的噪音,仍然能够实现可靠的虚拟人重建。本项目力争在语义分析、虚拟人重建领域做出基础性和前瞻性的贡献,以形成具有创新特点的虚拟人个性化重建方法,为虚拟人的广泛应用奠定坚实的技术基础。
中文关键词: 虚拟人;个性化重建;语义;算法;应用系统
英文摘要: In the project, the problem of personalized human (also called as avator) reconstruction would be thoroughly researched. For the imperfect data captured by the low-price devices, we try to find the new solutions to reconstruct the virtual shape (appearance and body) and implement the personalized body-driver (controller-free) functionalities by using semantic/prior information, where the semantic-driven means we build the personalized virtual human to mostly approximate the real data under the semantic constraints. The main feature of our semantic-driven researching is the robustness of personalized human reconstruction results, especially under the following conditions: imperfect coarse data with higher noise, due to the low-price Kinect captures and less-constrained capturing senario out of the laborartory. So, our project is trying to make the contributions on the basic and fronter researching topics, such as the semantic analysis of 3D model, and virtual human reconstruction, and propose the novel personalized human reconstruction algorithms. Consequently, the project could find the technical foundations to further push virtual human wide applications.
英文关键词: Virtual human;personalized reconstruction;semantics;algorithm;application system