项目名称: 纳米尺度相变记录材料的制备及其相变机理研究
项目编号: No.61306005
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 童浩
作者单位: 华中科技大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 相变存储器被认为是最有潜力的下一代半导体存储技术之一。随着存储容量的不断提升,相变区域达到纳米尺度,导致其相变行为与块状材料产生较大差异,纳米尺度上的相变将是依赖于尺寸、由界面决定以及与环境相关的。本项目拟采用溅射与电子束光刻相结合的方法制备三维都达到纳米尺度的纳米点阵列,同时还将研究可在较低温度工作的新型化学制备方法- - 电化学沉积法来制备具有与之不同表面状态的相变纳米线。分析尺寸效应、界面应力、表面缺陷等对纳米相变材料的热、电输运特性的影响,研究采用纳米尺度相变记录材料对器件性能的改善作用,并探讨相变存储器可能存在的尺寸极限。通过第一性原理计算纳米相变材料的能带结构、态密度、介电常数等参量,模拟纳米相变材料的晶化过程,并与实验结果进行比照分析,以此建立有关纳米尺度相变材料的相变机理的理论模型。这对于开发更适应于尺寸减小的相变记录材料、进一步提升相变存储器容量具有重要指导意义。
中文关键词: 相变材料;纳米尺度;电化学沉积;低功耗;
英文摘要: Phase change random access memory is considered to be one of the most promising next generation semiconductor information storage technologies. With the unceasing development of the memory capacity, the volume of the phase change area reduced to nano scale, leading to some big differences of the phase change process compare to the corresponding bulk material. Phase change in nano scale is size-dependent interface-determined and environment-related. This project is intended to fabricate nano dot arrays with its three dimensions in nano scale by using sputtering and electron beam lithography, as well as exploring new chemical methods to fabricate nano scale phase chage materials, such as low temperature electrochemical deposition to make phase change nano wires, analyse the impact of size effect interfacial stress and surface defects on the properties of thermal and electrical transport of nano scale phase change materials, research on the improvement of the performance of phase change memory integrated with nano scale phase change materials, and investigate the possible scale limit of phase change memory. By adopting first principle theory, we can calculate physical parameters of nano phase change material, such as band structure dense of states and dielectric constant. Meanwhile, we can simulate the crystallizat
英文关键词: phase change materials;nano scale;electrochemical deposition;low power consumption;