项目名称: 雇佣不安全影响员工绩效与留任的作用机制及对策的纵向研究
项目编号: No.71271005
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 陆昌勤
作者单位: 北京大学
项目金额: 52万元
中文摘要: 雇佣不安全严重影响员工对工作、组织的态度与行为,但在现实中又无法规避。在这样的情境下,如何让员工维持高绩效,并愿意留任是组织不得不面对的管理难题,也是需要探讨的研究问题。本研究拟采用纵向追踪的方法,以社会交换关系为切入点,一方面从交换关系失衡或"破"的视角,探讨雇佣不安全如何通过影响工作投入、组织信任来降低员工绩效与留任意向,另一方面从交换关系"立"的角度,探讨员工"可雇佣性"提升在其中的调节作用,及二者的相互作用。同时结合不确定性管理理论,探讨组织信任在不确定性情境下社会交换过程中的重要作用。员工"可雇佣性"提升是组织修补失衡的交换关系的重要手段,也是员工看重的交换条件。这样,就从交换关系"破"与"立"互动的角度,综合考虑雇佣不安全影响员工绩效与留任的中介机制与调节机制,具有理论上的创新。在实践上,为组织如何在雇佣不安全情境下进行员工管理提供合理化的建议,以激励员工维持高绩效并愿意留任。
中文关键词: 雇佣不安全感/工作不安全感;工作绩效;员工留任;“可雇佣性”提升;纵向研究
英文摘要: Employment insecurity is becoming more serious in the current workplace. It has been proven to negatively impact individuals' well-being, work attitudes and organizational performance, especially for Chinese people,because they highly value security and stability. However, employment insecurity seems inevitable in the Chinese transactional society. Thus, how to motivate employees maintain the high level of job performance as well as intention to retain is becoming a challenge issue for employers. By use of a longitudinal design, the present study is to explore the mechanisms through which perceived employment insecurity impacts on employees' job performance and intention to retain, with a focus on the buffering effect of employability enhancement. From the perspective of social exchange theory, the existence of perceived employment insecurity would push employees to have experiences of psychology contract breach, which has negative effects on employee's work attitudes and performance. It is imperative for employers to take action to pull them, and do trust repair. In fact, we believe employability enhancement is an important way for employers to mend the broken exchange relationship. Employability enhancement could make employees engage into work and trust in their employers, consequently improve their performa
英文关键词: Employment insecurity/Job insecurity;Job performance;Intention to retain;Employability enhancement;Longitudinal design