项目名称: 高速铁路轨道结构服役状态空时特性和精细化管理的研究
项目编号: No.51478482
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 建筑环境与结构工程学科
项目作者: 陈宪麦
作者单位: 中南大学
项目金额: 83万元
中文摘要: 吸收铁路轨道服役状态领域的既有研究成果,基于高速铁路的实时检测数据,运用现代数字信号处理、概率统计、优化、有限元动力分析等理论进行分析,从时域、频域、时频域、动力学等角度全面揭示高速铁路轨道服役状态的空时特性,提出数理函数表达式。基于对实测数据的深化分析和高速列车-线路耦合系统的动力分析两个方面的研究,探讨高速铁路轨道不平顺激励与车-线综合系统动力响应之间的关联规律,提出定性的表述方法和定量的数理特征函数。基于对高速铁路轨道结构服役状态空时特性和车-轨耦合系统激励与响应关联规律的研究,提出一种高速铁路轨道服役状态的综合分析方法,建立相应的时域、频域、时频域及能量的评定指标和阈值,形成一套全面、科学的高速铁路轨道结构服役状态的评价系统。利用该评价系统实现对高速铁路轨道结构服役状态的精细化管理。
中文关键词: 高速铁路;轨道服役状态;轨道不平顺;空时特性;精细化管理
英文摘要: Based on summing up and absorbing the existing research in the domain of railway-track service state, applying the real-time detecting data of the high-speed railways, this subject aims at proposing an accurate mathematical function to fully disclose the high-speed railways' space-time characteristic on service state from the perspective of time, frequency, time-space domain and dynamical responses through using theories and methods of digital signal processing, probability statistics, optimization, and finite element, etc. In view of the researches on the further analyzing of measurement data and dynamical analyzing of high-speed vehicle/rail-line coupling systems, and explorations on the relationship between high-speed railway track irregularity exciting and railway comprehensive system's dynamical responses, an accurate representation for qualitative analysis and a proper function for quantitative analysis upon this statistical law will be both put forward. From the above research results on space-time characteristics of railway service state and excitation-responses relating laws of the vehicle/track coupling dynamical system, this subject can propose an integrated method of analyzing the railway-track's service state, and build up the corresponding assessment indexes and thresholds in time, space, time-space and energy domain, and finally form an comprehensive and scientific monitoring and evaluation system of the high-speed railway track structure service state. Based on the evaluation system, we can realize the meticulous management directing at the high-speed track structures' service states.
英文关键词: high speed railway;railway track service state;track irregularity;space-time characteristics;meticulous management