项目名称: 基于多边控制的动基座成像系统物像运动补偿问题
项目编号: No.61304032
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 田大鹏
作者单位: 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所
项目金额: 27万元
中文摘要: 动基座成像系统具有重要的战略意义,是国内外研究的热点。这类成像系统中存在像移和像旋转的问题,严重影响成像质量。传统研究中对像移、像旋的解决途径相对独立,通用性较低;并且现有的对各执行器分别控制的补偿方法,难以达到多执行器高度协调运动的要求,补偿效果有限。本课题将像的两种运动形式归结为同一类物像运动问题,以运动控制为突破点展开研究。基于遥操作领域的多边控制思想,将多个执行器从整体上进行考虑,面向物像运动补偿问题提出新的多边控制策略,从控制的角度提高光学成像的质量。研究在加速度层面上实现对具有不同惯量、尺寸、受不同扰动作用的各执行器动力学特性的统一,以此为契机将传统多边控制的复杂结构转化为一般反馈结构,结合鲁棒控制理论研究系统化的控制器设计方法。在性能的度量方面将运动控制残差转换为对成像质量的影响,采用光学成像指标--调制传递函数对控制系统进行直接的衡量和检验,为控制器的优化提供直接依据。
中文关键词: 成像系统;多边控制;像旋;像移;
英文摘要: The imaging systems with moving foundation support have important strategic significance, which is studied as a central issue in the world. There are the problems of image motion and rotation in this kind of systems. These issues seriously degrade the quality of imaging. Traditional researches on the image motion and rotation are relatively independent and without generalization. Besides, common compensation methods control each motion actuator independently. The requirement of high coordination among several actuators is hard to achieve. The compensation effects, therefore, is limited in practice. This research considers the two types of image moving as an identical problem,and starts the investigation from the aspect of control.Based on the idea of multilateral control, all the actuators are considered as a whole. Novel multilateral control is proposed facing to the compensation of image moving. The quality of optical imaging is improved from the aspect of control. In the dimension of acceleration, the dynamics of all the actuators is unified, which have different inertia, sizes and disturbances. From this point of breakthrough, traditional multilateral control is transferred into several general feedback structures. Then,the systematical design can be developed combining the robust control theory. On evaluati
英文关键词: imgaging system;multilateral control;image rotation;image motion;