项目名称: 珠三角地区典型污染季节有机气溶胶的大气演化过程及其对灰霾的影响研究
项目编号: No.41505106
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 周声圳
作者单位: 中山大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 区域灰霾是困扰我国许多城市和地区的重大环境污染问题,严重威胁人民群众的身体健康,影响环境安全。灰霾形成的原因十分复杂,究其本质是大气细颗粒物的污染。目前我们对大气细颗粒是如何的生成、演化、最终致霾缺乏足够的研究,尤其是缺乏对细颗粒中有机气溶胶的大气演化过程研究,因此难以为科学治理灰霾提供充足的依据。. 本项目拟采用外场观测和数值模式模拟相结合的方法,系统地研究珠三角地区大气有机气溶胶的污染特征、来源以及大气演化过程。本研究将探讨珠三角地区有机气溶胶的一次和二次来源以及二次有机气溶胶的形成转化途径,重点对比分析灰霾发生前和发生期间的气象和有机气溶胶污染特征,并结合WRF/CMAQ模式系统深入分析灰霾发生时城市烟羽中大气有机气溶胶在水平输送和城市边界层内垂直方向上的大气演化特征,获得有机气溶胶的大气演化生成对珠三角地区灰霾天气形成的贡献的基本认识。
中文关键词: 灰霾;有机气溶胶;大气演化;传输;珠三角地区
英文摘要: Regional haze is a serious pollution problem in China which negatively affects human health and environment safety. Haze, essentially caused by atmospheric particulate matters, is of complicated formation mechanism. Previous researches on the formation and evolution of atmospheric particulate matters as well as how they lead to hazy weather, especially the evolution of organic aerosols in particulate matters, are not yet enough to provide sound scientific basis for essential control strategies.. This project proposes to systematically investigate the characteristics, sources and atmospheric evolution of organic aerosols over the Pearl River Delta region (PRD) adopting both field study and numerical simulation. The study is focused on investigating the sources of primary and secondary organic aerosols, the formation pathways of secondary organic aerosols, and the comparative analysis of meteorology and the pollution characteristics of organic aerosols before and during haze episodes. Furthermore, the WRF/CMAQ model system is used in analyzing the atmospheric evolution of organic aerosols in urban plumes in horizontal and vertical directions during haze episodes. The research will provide basic understanding on how the evolution of organic aerosols affects the formation of haze in PRD.
英文关键词: haze;organic aerosol;atmospheric evolution;transportation;Pearl River Delta region