项目名称: 中草药提制分析及其提取物与生物大分子相互作用研究
项目编号: No.20875025
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 王玉枝
作者单位: 湖南大学
项目金额: 33万元
中文摘要: 随着人们对化学药品毒副作用的认识及对健康要求的不断提高,天然药物的用途和需求不断扩大,中草药的优势和特色越来越被世界重视。如何对中草药的有效成分进行提制分析、利用中草药指纹图谱进行质量监控以及研究中草药药物分子与DNA 相互作用机理,是中药现代化面临的主要课题和重要任务。藜蒿、马齿苋和葛根等是湖南特色乃至全国非常重要的中草药资源。本项目利用液相色谱-光谱联用技术通过比较中草药粗提物的指纹图谱对藜蒿、马齿苋和葛根等中的生物活性物质进行筛选并建立质量标准;研究采用超声助提取、微波辅助提取、酶提取法等对其中的有效成分进行充分提取,并利用离心法和膜分离法等进行分离与提纯;应用光谱法和电化学等方法研究藜蒿中的挥发油、马齿苋中的生物碱以及葛根中的葛根异黄酮等有效成分与DNA 之间相互作用的机理,为寻找有效的治疗药物提供基础理论依据。
中文关键词: 中草药;有效成分;提制分析;指纹图谱;作用机理
英文摘要: As the improvement recognition of side effect in chemicals as well as the continuously raise of the health request, and continuously extend of the natural medicine application and demands, more and more attention has been paid to the advantage and special features of Chinese Herbal Medicine all over the world. Therefore, it is the main topic and primary task confronted by Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine that how to extract and analyze the effective components of Chinese Herbal Medicine, and how to make the quality control of Chinese Herbal Medicine by the way of fingerprint as well as to study the mechanism of drug molecules affected physiological and physical chemical character of DNA. Artemisia Selengensis, Portulaca Oleracea L and Pueraria Root are important Chinese Herbal Medicine resources of endemic plants in Hunan Province or throughout China. In our subject, using the Coupling Technique of Liquid Chromatography and spectroscopy and by comparing the fingerprint of crude extracts from Chinese medical herbs, we screen and study the bioactive substances in Artemisia Selengensis Portulaca Oleracea L and Pueraria Root and establish their quality standard. Research on the extraction of their active component effectively using the methods including ultrasonic extraction, microwave-assisted extraction and enzymatic extraction then study on methods for isolation and purification by the technique of centrifugation and membrane separation method. Study on the effective components and the mechanism of its interaction with DNA such as volatile oil of Artemisia Selengensis, alkaloid of Portulaca Oleracea L and Kudzu Root Isoflavones of Pueraria Root to provide theoretical basis for seeking for effective therapeutic drug.
英文关键词: Chinese Herbal Medicine; Effective Components; Extraction and Analysis; Fingerprint; Action Mechanism