项目名称: 小叶杨铵转运蛋白AMT1.2和AMT4.1基因的功能分析及其与抗盐性的关系
项目编号: No.31500543
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 张春霞
作者单位: 西北农林科技大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 植物根系对铵态氮的吸收能力对于土壤(尤其林地)中氮的高效利用起着重要作用。在前期研究的基础上,本项目为进一步探明小叶杨铵态氮高效利用机制及其与抗盐性的关系,将研究细根中高度表达且受盐胁迫诱导的铵转运蛋白AMT1.2 和AMT4.1功能,通过亚细胞定位、定量PCR、免疫原位杂交研究二者在小叶杨不同组织细胞的表达特性;再分别在酵母突变体中异源表达,研究它们对铵态氮的转运能力及特性;进一步将AMT1.2 和AMT4.1在杨树中过量表达或干扰,研究其表达量改变对杨树N素吸收能力、生长及其抗盐性的影响;同时研究盐胁迫下小叶杨根系N素代谢与转运特点关系,以探明AMT1.2 和AMT4.1的功能及其与抗盐性的关系,为认识植物根系对土壤中铵态氮高效吸收转运机制,理解小叶杨抗贫瘠、抗盐与铵态氮的关系奠定基础。
中文关键词: 耐盐碱;铵转运蛋白;遗传转化;基因调控;氮素利用效率
英文摘要: It is crucial for high nitrogen use efficiency to improve the capability of plant root to take up ammonium from soil (especially forest land). To further know the mechanism for high ammonium absorbing efficiency in Populus simonii and its relation to salt stress,functions of AMT1.2 and AMT4.1, both of which were highly expressed in root of Populus simonii and induced by salt stress, will be roundly studied in present project, and the following works will be done: (1) detect their expression characteristics via subcellular localization, qRT-PCR and in situ hybridization technique, (2) investigate their capability to transport ammonium as well as their characteristics in yeast system, (3) over-express or silence AMT1.2 and AMT4.1 in poplar to study the effect of expression level on nitrogen use efficiency and absorbing capbilities; (4) investigate the relationship between N metabolism and ammonium absorption and salt stress in root, and understand the roles of AMT1.2 and AMT4.1 in response to salt stress using transgenic plants. This study aims to understand the functions of AMT1.2 and AMT4.1 and relationship between high ammonium use efficiency and resistance to salt stress in Populus simonii. This study would give new insights into mechanism of ammonium uptake and its regulation. The results would serve to improvement and breeding for high nitrogen use efficiency in plant.
英文关键词: Salt tolerance;Ammonium transporter;Genetic transformation;Gene regulation;Nitrogen use efficiency