项目名称: 环境照度变化下道路交通流运行特性及对交通安全影响机理研究
项目编号: No.51308177
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 冯忠祥
作者单位: 合肥工业大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 低照度和照度快速变化时交通事故频发且严重,但环境照度作用道路交通安全的机理尚未明确,使得相关交通设施设计与设置及安全管控方法缺乏理论支撑。通过前期预研及文献回顾,照度变化首先影响驾驶人对目标物的识认时间,进而影响判断、决策及驾驶行为,最终作用道路交通流并影响交通安全。本项目拟通过实车实验回归获得照度变化对驾驶人识认时间的影响规律,推导驾驶人微观驾驶行为(跟驰、换道、制动行为)受照度与识认规律耦合作用关系模型并分析其变化特征;构建交通流参数与识认时间关系模型,进一步探究照度变化对道路宏观交通流的影响;运用模糊数学、贝叶斯理论、参数灵敏度分析等方法定量化照度和识认时间参数的具体影响过程及程度,揭示道路交通安全变化机理,并提出改善照度变化影响的交通设施设计与设置方法。研究成果对不同照度环境时事故原因明确和事故预防,以及提出科学的道路交通安全控制方法具有重要的理论意义与实际价值。
中文关键词: 交通安全;环境照度;交通流特性;驾驶行为;识认时间
英文摘要: Traffic accidents occur frequently and heavily in low illumination and when illumination change quickly,but the mechanism of environmental illumination affect the road traffic safety is not yet clear,make relevant traffic facilities design and set up and security control method are lack of theoretical support.The result of early pre-research and review of literature show that illumination change mainly affect target recognition time of driver, then affect judgment, decision-making and driving behavior, ultimately affect traffic flow and traffic safety.This project will acquire the influence rule of illumination change to driver recognition time by real vehicle test, deduce the model of driver micro driving behavior (car-following, lane-changing, braking behavior) which affected by illumination and recognition rule, then analyse its variation characteristics.The relation model of traffic flow parameters and recognition time will be built to further study influence of changes in illumination to macroscopic traffic flow.Fuzzy Mathematics, Bayesian Theory and Parameter Sensitivity Analysis Methods will be applied to quantitative research the influence process and degree of illumination and recognition time parameters to reveal the change mechanism of road traffic safety,then put forward the traffic facilities de
英文关键词: traffic safety;environment illumination;traffic flow characteristics;driving behavior;recognition time