项目名称: 基于混合载波多模通信系统的制式切换驱动机理研究
项目编号: No.61201146
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电子学与信息系统
项目作者: 梅林
作者单位: 哈尔滨工业大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 未来无线通信系统和设备需要具有支持多种网络和标准、并根据需要动态切换的多模式可重构通信能力,其中单载波与多载波体制的融合是支撑这种能力的物理层技术基础,而系统制式切换策略则是值得研究的重要问题。本课题以网络融合与绿色通信的需求为背景,以多模可重构通信系统和技术为具体研究对象,以加权分数傅立叶变换为数学手段,利用其同时包含单、多载波调制的物理特征建立一种混合载波体制通信系统模型。通过探索该模型与抗干扰、无线接入等关键技术的结合方式,以及峰均功率比、非线性失真等信号特征,论证模型合理性;并在此基础上借助非线性规划理论,拟解决多约束条件下的通信制式切换、关键技术选择和系统参数调整等关键问题。据此定义了干扰驱动、功率驱动等不同类型切换策略,并在基站覆盖范围可动态调整的多小区网络背景下,寻求不同策略的融合方案。课题通过上述研究,以期提升多模系统的传输性能和资源效率、优化多模设备的重构算法和实现结构。
中文关键词: 多模;可重构;加权类分数傅立叶变换;载波体制协同;无线接入技术
英文摘要: The future wireless communication systems and devices should have the capabilities of supporting different networks and standards, and could alter the communication modes to access the proper one, which are known as the multi-mode and reconfigurability. The convergency of single carrier and multi-carrier schemes is the foundation of physical layer technologies which support the capabilities, while the strategies of system modes altering become a subject that is worth studying. Against the background of heterogeneous network convergence and green communication, a hybrid carrier scheme communication system is modeled based on the weighted-type fractional Fourier transform (WFRFT), by means of researching the multi-mode reconfigurable communication system and its technologies. The proposed model is then verified by investigating the compatibilities with key technologyies such as anti-jamming and radio access, and the signal characteristics such as peak to average power ratio, nonlinear distortion and so on. Moreover, with the help of nonlinear programming theory, the project plans to solve some multi-constraint optimization problems on modes altering, selection of homo-technologies and parameter adjustment; and proposes two different driven motivations of interference and energy respectively. Finally, a more comp
英文关键词: multi-mode;reconfigurable;weighted-type fractional Fourier transform;carrier scheme cooperation;radio access technolgy