项目名称: 面向物联网的多网络多终端协同架构和控制机制研究
项目编号: No.61271237
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 朱洪波
作者单位: 南京邮电大学
项目金额: 88万元
中文摘要: 网络层是物联网的核心层。物联网网络层将是包含多种无线通信技术和基础通信网络的融合网络,需要通过多网络和多终端协同以高资源使用效率和低成本方式为用户提供高质量的各类业务和应用,因此多网络协同和多终端协同是物联网网络层的关键问题。据此,本课题研究内容为:(1)物联网网络层的多网络协同架构和控制机制:提出物联网网络层协同模型、多网络协同架构、多网络协同控制机制和关键技术;(2)物联网中多网络协同下的多终端协同架构和控制机制:提出多终端协同架构、多终端近距离组网机制、多终端协同关键技术。 课题将在上述研究内容上做出创新性研究成果,发表高水平论文20篇以上,申请发明专利10项以上,并向国际和国内标准化组织提交标准化提案,培养30名以上博士和硕士研究生。
中文关键词: 物联网;架构;体系;多网络协同;多终端协同
英文摘要: The network layer is the key layer of Internet of Things(IoT).The network layer of IoT will be integrated network of multiple radio networks and infrastruture networks, so it is neccessary to coordinate multiple networks and multiple terminals to provide high quality applications and services for users with high resource efficiency and low cost.This project plans to investigate on the coordination architecture and control mechanism of IoT network layer based on multi-network coordination,including coordination model, coordination architecture, and coordination control technologies, and also the coordination architecture and control mechanism of multi-terminal coordination for terminals in IoT network, including multi-terminal coordination model, terminal coordination networking mechanism, and terminal coordination technologies. The innovative results will be created, more than 20 high level papers will be published, and more than 10 patents will be applied, and more than 30 doctor degree and master degree diplomas will be educated.
英文关键词: Internet of Things;Architecture;Framework;Multi-network Cordination;Multi-terminal Coordination