项目名称: 水体内波机理及对三峡库区支流水华生消的影响研究
项目编号: No.51279215
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 水利工程
项目作者: 杜彦良
作者单位: 中国水利水电科学研究院
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 影响湖库水华生消的因素众多,目前对水库水生态环境的研究大多着重于大尺度下干支流的水文过程、水动力结构、营养盐背景、泥沙沉积和相关生态环境参量等方面,往往忽视了局部水域中内波对水环境的作用。内波是深水湖库中普遍存在的现象,发生在密度分层界面上,对相对静止水体的分层的各环境变量的稳定度产生影响,进而对水华暴发过程带来正面和负面的作用。本项目拟从内波作用角度研究三峡水库一级支流-香溪河水华生消的水动力影响因素,综合野外原位观测、数学理论分析、数值模型模拟和物理实验模型等研究手段,揭示支流库湾分层水体内波形成的机理,驱动机制、演变过程和动力特征,了解内波对水质和水生态环境的影响作用,明晰其对库湾藻类分布的影响,认识内波对水华生消的作用机制和表观特征,为最终阐明支流水华成因和生消条件提供科学基础,为库区支流水体富营养化治理与水华控制提供理论依据和技术支撑。
中文关键词: 水华;干支流相互作用;数值模型;内波;水质环境
英文摘要: There are a lot of important factors that could affect algal bloom process in some areas of lakes or reserviors. Many researches in water ecological environmental evolution are most likely to focus on the large scale hydrological evolution, hydrodynamic changes, sediment deposition, density stratified flow, and nutrients background, while ignore the internal wave effects in curtain area. As a widely existing phenomenon in density stratified lakes and reservoirs, internal wave occurs at the interface of stratified layers in slow flow water, and it may play both positive and negative roles in the stabilities of stratified environmental variables, such as temperature and water quality indexes, consequently influence the algal bloom processes. The occurrence mechanism and its impacts on evolution of water quality and algal distributions need to specify and make clear. The objective of this project is to study the internal wave impacts on algal bloom process in Xianxi river, which is one of the typical tributaries in Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR). The field observations associate with theoretical analysis, laboratory experiments and numerical modelling are going to be carried out. The occurrence mechanism and evolution process and hydrodynamic characteristics of internal wave will be studied to improve the understandi
英文关键词: alga bloom;interaction of main river and tributes;numerical modelling;internal wave;water quality