项目名称: 脉冲推力作用下航天器自主交会过程轨道控制及多目标优化方法研究
项目编号: No.61203122
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 杨学博
作者单位: 哈尔滨工业大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 航天器自主交会的轨道控制问题是航天领域研究的热点问题之一,尤其对于我国登月工程和空间站计划具有非常重要的现实意义。脉冲推力是目前普遍采用的航天器轨道控制形式,但现有的脉冲推力控制大多是基于离线设计的开环控制方法。相比之下,闭环控制可根据实时运行情况在线确定脉冲推力,灵活性高且抗干扰能力强。本项目即针对脉冲推力作用下闭环控制方法进行深入研究:首先综合考虑复杂不确定性及扰动建立航天器自主交会动态模型;基于此模型,根据脉冲间隔及推力大小不同,深入分析四种脉冲推力形式下多约束、多性能指标优化的控制器设计要求;利用鲁棒控制、凸优化理论、最优控制理论及遗传算法等方法研究基于多目标优化的控制器设计问题;同时,针对部分运动状态及参量难以测定而传统卡尔曼滤波器难以适用的情况,研究航天器运动状态及参量的在线观测问题,最终提出一套切实可行的闭环控制方案,较全面地解决脉冲推力作用下航天器自主交会的轨道控制问题。
中文关键词: 航天器自主交会;脉冲控制;切换系统;姿态控制;
英文摘要: Orbital control problem of autonomous spacecraft rendezvous is one of the important research issues in aerospace research field. Especially, the relative researches have lots of significant for the moon-fall and space station projects of China. Recently, impulsive thrust has been widely used in spacecraft orbital control. However, most of existing impulsive-thrust control methods are based on open-loop control scheme, which is realized by off-line calculations. Compared with the open-loop control scheme, the closed-loop control scheme has greater flexibility and disturbance attenuation ability. This is because the closed-loop control scheme can determine the needed impulsive thrust according to the real-time situation during the rendezvous process. Thus, in this project, the closed-loop control problem of spacecraft autonomous rendezvous with impulsive thrust is deeply studied. Firstly, the dynamic model of autonomous rendezvous is built with consideration of complex uncertainties and external disturbance. Based on this model, the impulsive-thrust is regarded as four different kinds of realization approaches. The multi-constraints, multi-performance optimization requirements of these four different kinds of impulsive-thrust are analyzed deeply. Then, multi-objective optimization closed-loop controller design pro
英文关键词: spacecraft autonomous rendezvous;impulsive control;switched system;attitude control;