项目名称: 线形Paul阱中镉113离子基态超精细结构的高精度测量
项目编号: No.11304177
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 张建伟
作者单位: 清华大学
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: 镉113离子在量子频标、量子信息和基础物理研究等领域具有重要应用前景,镉113离子基态超精细结构与这些应用息息相关,但目前对其高精度的实验测量很少,现有测量数据精度不能满足应用需求。在前期的研究中,我们采用激光冷却、激光光泵浦和光检测技术,对囚禁在线形四极Paul阱中的镉离子的基态超精细分裂跃迁频率进行了测量,其中镉113离子的测量结果与国际上最新报道的结果吻合,测量精度略有提高,由1.3E-11提高到7.9E-12。在本项目中,我们计划在前期工作基础上,把镉113离子基态超精细结构测量精度提高到5E-13水平。为了实现这个目的,我们要进一步研究测量过程中二阶Zeeman频移和二阶Doppler效应的影响,提高相应修正精度。本课题将首次给出精度达到5E-13水平的镉113离子基态超精细结构常数,该结果将促进原子结构等理论研究,并在频标和量子信息等领域得到应用。
中文关键词: 镉113离子;基态超精细结构;离子阱;激光冷却;
英文摘要: 113Cd+ ions are found promising applications in the frequency metrology, quantum information processing and the fundamental physics, all of which relate to the ground-state hyperfine structure of cadmium ions. However, there are few of high-precision measurements of the ground-state hyperfine splitting of 113Cd+ in the past decades, and the precision of the existing results is far from the mentioned applications. Recently, we measured the ground-state hyperfine splitting of the laser-cooled cadmium ions in a linear quadrupole Paul trap with the techniques of laser cooling, laser pump and fluorescence detection. The obtained results of 113Cd+ consistents with the up-to-date measurement by other groups very well and the precision is slightly improved from 1.3E-11 to 7.9E-12. In this project, we are going to improve the measurement precision of the ground-state hyperfine structure of 113Cd+ to 5E-13 level based on our previous reseach. In order to achieve this object, we are going to study the second-order Zeeman shift and the second-order Doppler effect during the measurement more closely than before to improve the frequency shift corrections. By this project, the ground-state hyperfine structure constant of 113Cd+ ions is expected to measured at the 5E-13 level for the first time in the world, which could support
英文关键词: 113Cd+;ground-state hyperfine structure;ion trap;laser cooling;