项目名称: 椭圆轨道航天器最优脉冲交会模式及其分布研究
项目编号: No.61304232
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 陈长青
作者单位: 北京控制工程研究所
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 当前对最优脉冲交会的研究多集中在对某个特定的交会问题,利用数值方法、或某种解析方法、或某个准则得到最优交会解。Prussing的邻近圆轨道最优交会理论能得到二脉冲、三脉冲、四脉冲等最优交会模式随交会时间和初末相对状态的分布图。最优交会模式分布图能指导初末相对状态、交会时间不确定交会对接任务的制导策略设计,但Prussing的结论只能应用在两个航天器均为圆轨道的交会问题上,无法满足我国载人三期、探月三期、载人登月、空间攻防等任务的需求。本项目研究椭圆轨道航天器最优脉冲交会模式分布,探讨椭圆轨道航天器交会的相对运动方程,最优交会模式的求解,最优交会模式分布边界的求解,并分析最优交会模式边界的性质,探究影响最优交会模式分布的内在因素,并最终得到椭圆轨道航天器最优脉冲交会模式的分布图。本项目的成果可为我国后续交会对接任务和空间攻防任务的制导方案设计提供理论基础。
中文关键词: 交会对接;最优脉冲交会;椭圆轨道;交会模式分布;
英文摘要: Most of the investigations of optimal impulsive rendezvous focus on the certain rendezvous problem, and get the optimal rendezvous solutions by using numerical calculation, or by some analytical methods, or by some special criterions. Prussing's optimal rendezvous theory between close circular orbits gets the optimal rendezvous modes such as two-impulse rendezvous model, three-impulse rendezvous model, four-impulse rendezvous model and the corresponding optimal rendezvous models with coasts. But it only hold true in neighboring circular orbits and can't satisfy the development needs of the Chinese space programs in space station construction, lunar-landing and deep space exploration, for which rendezvous and docking is considered as a crucial technology. This work will study the distributions of optimal rendezvous models about the problem of elliptical orbital rendezvous, including dynamical equations of relative motions about two spacecraft in elliptical orbits, solutions of optimal rendezvous models, solutions of boundaries of rendezvous models. Factors influencing the distribution of optimal rendezvous models are investigated through the analysis of boundaries of rendezvous models. And then the distributions of optimal rendezvous models about ellipse-to-circle rendezvous problem and ellipse-to-ellipse rendez
英文关键词: rendezvous and docking;optimal impulsive rendezvous;elliptical orbit;distributions of optimal rendezvous models;