项目名称: Hilbert-Huang变换的多分辨率分析与自适应解调及其在通信领域中的应用研究
项目编号: No.61471132
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 杨志景
作者单位: 广东工业大学
项目金额: 81万元
中文摘要: 1998年提出的Hilbert-Huang变换方法,为非平稳非线性信号自适应分解提出了新的思路,并已经被成功应用于诸多领域。但由于该方法仍然存在若干本质问题,从而导致其无法在通信领域进行广泛地应用,迫切需要解决其中的信号解调算法、经验模式分解的多分辨率分析、基于经验模式分解的噪声分析等关键问题。本项目将拟从以下几个方面开展研究:(1)将信号解调转化为最优化的问题,保证得到的瞬时频率总为正,且振幅足够光滑;(2) 基于采样、调制与滤波的相关理论,进行经验模式分解的多分辨率分析;(3) 基于经验模式分解得到的分量在不同噪声环境中的特性研究,对噪声进行分析与估计;(4) 基于以上关键问题的研究成果,推广Hilbert-Huang变换在通信领域中的应用,如调制解调、可伸缩性编码、噪声分析等。本项目的研究将有助于解决信号与Hilbert-Huang变换中的若干核心问题,并推广其在通信领域中的应用。
中文关键词: 希尔伯特黄变换;多分辨率分析;信号解调;时频分析
英文摘要: In 1998, a novel time-frequency method, referred to as Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT), has been pioneered by Huang et al for signal analysis. This method is an adaptive signal processing method and very fit for analyzing Non-stationary and nonlinear time series. In recent years, HHT has found many applications in a variety of problems covering earthquake research, machinery fault diagnosis, biomedicine engineering and ocean science since its advent. Because of its efficiency in application, it also has received considerable attention in theory research of related fields. However, there are still some theoretical problems existing in HHT when applying it to the communications, such as: the deficiency of the demodulation method, the problem of the multi-resolution analysis of empirical mode decomposition (EMD), the noise analysis based on EMD, and so on. In view of these problems, this project focuses on the following theoretical and application problems: (1) We will study the adaptive and effective demodulation method. We will try to formulize it to an optimization problem. The constrains and the objective function of the optimization problem can guarantee the instantaneous frequency is always positive and the amplitude part is smooth enough; (2) We will study the muti-resolution analysis of empirical mode decomposition based on the sampling theory, filter theory; (3) Noises analysis and estimations based on empirical mode decomposition will be studied based on analysis the characteristics of IMF in different noise environment; (4) Based on these basical study of Hilbert-Huang transform, we will extend this adaptive method to the communication problem: such as signal demodulation, scalable coding, signal communication, signal denoising, and so on. Overall, this research is very important for both academic and application societies.
英文关键词: Hilbert-Huang transform;multi-resolution analysis;signal demodulation;time-frequency analysis