项目名称: 建筑工程质量管理规范建模与检索的本体化方法研究
项目编号: No.71301059
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 钟波涛
作者单位: 华中科技大学
项目金额: 20.5万元
中文摘要: 我国已形成相对完善的建筑工程质量管理规范体系。但规范条文的组织编排以静态的单一分类结构进行。对同一对象的相关约束分布在不同规范条文中,甚至相互冲突,查找应用不便。本项目以上述问题为背景,以规范条文的计算机可处理、多维动态组织与语义关联检索需求为出发点,将规范视为一个由规范约束项依据其约束对象在领域中的语义关系以及约束条文编排/管理分类关系所构成的语义网,基于本体论方法,建立规范的语义描述框架,构建能够表达规范完整知识的层次语义模型;将规范约束知识的抽取视为本体概念与关系的实例化过程,研究本体驱动的规范知识自动抽取方法;开发规范条文语义关联度度量模型,实现语义检索。最后,依据所提框架、方法和模型,以建筑工程质量验收规范为对象,开发规范知识库原型系统,实现规范的多维动态组织和语义检索。研究为规范条文的电子化和语义应用提供理论、方法和技术支持。
中文关键词: 质量规范;本体;自然语言处理;语义建模;施工项目
英文摘要: The relatively well-established system of construction quality management regulations has been developed in China. However, the regulation documents are mostly paper-based, and not computer-processable. The provisions of regulations are organized hierarchically and statically. The relevant constraint provisions about the same construction component may be distributed in the different regulation documents, which even conflicts each other. Therefore, it is difficult for users to find the applicable provisions or use these regulation knowledge in the intelligent application systems. In the background mentioned above, how to make regulations be computer-processable, organized dynamically according to different classification systems and retrieved semantically, becomes the starting point of this research project. In this research project, the regulation document is regarded as the semantic network of all kinds of constraints, in which the net nodes are connected according the semantic relations between the constraint objects or the classification systems by which the provisions are organized. This research project focus on the study of the ontology-based semantic modeling and retrieval of the construction quality management regulations. A semantic framework for the regulation knowledge modeling will be proposed. In
英文关键词: quality regulation;ontology;natural language processing;semantic modeling;construction project