项目名称: 用于分离CH4和CO2的Al2O3/SAPO-34核壳材料的制备研究
项目编号: No.21301079
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 刘艳娜
作者单位: 昆明理工大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 本项目根据二氧化碳和甲烷在不同吸附剂上的吸附机理,以具有多孔结构、耐磨性好、成本低的γ-Al2O3为核,孔径(0.38nm)介于CO2(0.33nm)和CH4(0.38nm)的临界分子直径的微孔分子筛SAPO-34为壳,采用原位晶化及二次合成的方法制备核壳材料γ-Al2O3/SAPO-34,并采用动态吸附分离的方法考查其对CH4与CO2的分离性能。研究合成条件对核壳材料的微观结构及形貌控制的规律。阐明核壳材料的表面性质及微观结构与CO2/CH4分离性能之间的内在联系。揭示核壳材料分离CH4和CO2及气体分子在核壳材料中传质扩散的机理。项目符合我国当前节能降耗的要求,对于推进垃圾填埋气的应用与拓宽变压吸附分离应用领域具有重要的科学意义和应用价值。
中文关键词: 分子筛;甲烷;二氧化碳;核壳材料;
英文摘要: Based on the adsorption mechanism of methane and carbon dioxide on different adsorbents, we will prepare γ-Al2O3/SAPO-34 core shell composite as sorbent to separate methane and carbon dioxide. The core is γ-Al2O3 with porous structure, good abrasion performance and low cost, and the shell is microporous zeolite SAPO-34 with 0.38nm pore size which is between the critical diameter of CO2(0.33nm) and CH4(0.38nm). The core shell composite is prepared by in situ crystallization and secondary growth process. The separation performance of core shell composite is tested in dynamic adsorption experiments using methane and carbon dioxide as adsorbate. The effects of synthesis parameters on the microstructure and morphology are investigated. The relationships between surface properties, microstructure and the separation performance of CH4 and CO2 are revealed. The mechanism of separation CH4/CO2 and the mass diffusion of molecular in the core shell composite are illuminated. The item is in the need of lower energy consumption and discrease pollutants discharge. It also has scientific significance and applied value to promote the application of landfill gas and pressure swing adsorption.
英文关键词: molecular sieve;methane;carbon dioxide;core shell composite;