项目名称: 基于纳米粒子的PVA纤维水泥基复合材料力学性能及耐久性能研究
项目编号: No.51208472
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 建筑环境与结构工程学科
项目作者: 张鹏
作者单位: 郑州大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 通过抗压试验、单轴拉伸试验、四点弯曲试验、预切口梁三点弯曲试验和耐久性试验,探明纳米SiO2对纳米粒子PVA纤维水泥基复合材料抗压性能、抗拉性能、抗弯性能、断裂性能等力学性能和抗冻性、抗碳化性、抗渗性、收缩性能等耐久性的影响,揭示纳米SiO2掺量对各力学性能参数、断裂参数、耐久性评价指标及应力应变特性影响的规律,阐明复合材料的破坏机理、断裂损伤规律及耐久性能退化机理,建立复合材料的本构关系模型,并建立复合材料的耐久性预测模型。利用微观测试方法对纳米粒子PVA纤维水泥基复合材料的微观结构进行研究,对试件破坏面进行观测分析,应用能量观点以及宏观与细观、损伤与断裂相结合等观点,从微观层次上探明纳米SiO2与PVA纤维耦合作用对水泥基复合材料力学性能及耐久性能影响的作用机理。本项目对丰富和发展纤维水泥基复合材料基本理论,推动纳米粒子PVA纤维水泥基复合材料的工程应用具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。
中文关键词: 纳米粒子;增强纤维;水泥基复合材料;力学性能;耐久性
英文摘要: Based on compressive strength test, uniaxial tensile test, four points bending test, three point bending test of notched beam specimens and a series of durability tests, the effects of nano-SiO2 on the mechanical properites of compressive properties, tensile properties, bending resistance, fracture properties of PVA fiber reinforced cementitious composite containing nano-particles will be investigated. The effect rules of the dosage of nano-SiO2 on the mechanics performance parameters, the fracture parameters, the durability evaluation indices and the stress-strain relationships will be revealed. Besides, the effects of nano-SiO2 on the durability of freezing resistance, resistance to carbonizing, anti-permeability and shrinkage performance of the composite will be studied. Meanwhile, the failure mechanism, fracture damage law and durability degradation mechanism of the composite will be expounded. In addition, the constitutive relation model and the durability forecast model will be estabilished. Applying microscopic test method, the microstructure of PVA fiber reinforced cementitious composite containing nano-particles will be studied, and the destruction face will be observed and analyzed. Furthermore, applying the view of energy, combining macroscopic and mesoscopic view, combining damage and fracture view,
英文关键词: nano particle;reforcing fiber;cementitious composite;mechanical property;durability