项目名称: 基于垃圾组成的填埋产甲烷动力学参数变化规律与模型化研究
项目编号: No.51508049
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 其他
项目作者: 王小铭
作者单位: 重庆大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 城市生活垃圾填埋厌氧降解产生甲烷,既是重要的温室气体,又是可利用的清洁能源。为了编制填埋温室气体排放清单和合理规划利用填埋气资源,需要在掌握垃圾填埋降解规律的基础上,利用模型对填埋产甲烷进行估算。目前广泛应用的一级衰减动力学模型的估算经验假设:垃圾组分之间降解行为互不影响,欠缺科学实验验证。本课题拟以城市生活垃圾主要成分为研究对象,采用理论分析、模拟填埋降解产气实验研究和数学回归建模等手段相结合的研究方法,阐明各组分的降解产气属性(产甲烷潜力L0和速率k)与由各组分混合而成垃圾整体的降解产气属性之间的关系,并将之运用于构建和验证可根据垃圾组成估算其填埋降解产气属性参数的数学模型。本课题研究不仅能丰富生活垃圾填埋降解产气过程的基础科学理论,还能为改善填埋产气模型准确度,进而为填埋气的排放统计、收集与资源化利用提供正确的实践指导,具有较高的学术研究和理论价值。
中文关键词: 垃圾填埋;垃圾降解;甲烷;一级衰减;动力学参数
英文摘要: Methane is a potent greenhouse gas generated from the anaerobic decomposition of waste in landfills. The captured methane can be beneficially used to generate energy. To inventory emissions and assist the landfill industry with energy recovery projects, it is required to model the methane generation based on scientific understanding of solids decomposition in landfills. The empirical basis for widely used first-order decay models to calculate methane generation is the biodegradation of refuse components is independent, which lacks scientific evaluation. The overall objective of this study is to improve the understanding of the relationship on the key gas model parameters, methane generation potentials and decay rates, between the bulk waste and individual waste components, by conducting theoretic analysis, laboratory experiment, and model construction and validation. The expected mathematical model can be used to predict the gas model parameters based on waste composition. This proposed study is expected: a) to enrich the basic theory of solids decomposition and methane generation in landfills; b) to improve the accuracy of methane generation model; and c) to provide technical guidance for methane collection, control, and beneficial utilization.
英文关键词: landfilling;waste decomposition;methane;first-order decay;kinetics parameters