项目名称: 基于显微视觉的微纳米尺度三维动态形貌观测
项目编号: No.61305025
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 魏阳杰
作者单位: 东北大学
项目金额: 28万元
中文摘要: 微纳米尺度的直观、高分辨率三维静/动态观测是当前微纳米科技面临的挑战性问题。由于具有直观、实时、无损伤等优点,显微光学成像已广泛用于微观尺度二维观测,但衍射和分辨率等问题的存在使得其尚无法应用于微纳米尺度的三维观测应用中。针对此问题,本申请将基于显微光学成像机理,研究微景深条件下的光学成像离焦与衍射模糊测度建模方法;研究图像模糊测度与景物深度的关系,提出基于模糊测度的深度信息反解与三维重构方法;研究基于扩射模糊增强模型的深度灵敏性提升方法,并开展反解算法优化研究,以达到微纳米尺度下基于模糊测度的景物三维形貌重构。此外,本研究将以标准样品(纳米栅格等)为观测对象,开展相关实验研究,实现50-100纳米精度的景物三维重构,并在此基础上,实现基于序列图像的形貌变化三维动态恢复。本研究将为微纳米科技研究提供一种新的、有效的三维观测方法,对促进微纳米观测技术和相关领域科技的发展具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 显微视觉;微纳米尺度;三维;动态;形貌观测
英文摘要: Research on visual, high resolution, and three dimensional static/dynamic observation on micro/nano scale is a great challenge in micro/nano science and technology. Since micro vision imaging has many advantages, such as real time imaging,visuality, none destruction and so on., it is widely used in two dimensional observation on micro scale. However, due to diffraction and low resolution, micro vision technology is hardly used in three dimentional observation on micro/nano scale.Therefore,in order to improve micro/nano observation technology and its relevant science and technology, it has great significance to develop a real time, visual, dynamic and three dimensional observation technology based on micro vision. In this proposal, we plan to research on blurred measurment models of defocus and diffraction under the depth of focus of micro scale; research on the relationship between the burred measurment and the depth of samples, and propose a depth optimization inverse solution and three dimensional reconstruction method based on the burred measurment; research on precision improvement method based on the enhanced scattering model, and reveal the principle of three dimensional dynamic shape reconstruction based on blurred measurment on micro/nano scale. Finally, we plan to validate our algorithms with stand
英文关键词: Micro vision;Micro/nano scale;Three dimensional;Dynamic;Shape observation