项目名称: 双级执行器系统综合建模和协同控制研究
项目编号: No.61273184
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 赵新龙
作者单位: 浙江理工大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 双级执行器系统广泛存在于微操作领域,其精度和速度是实施微操作的关键因素。但是双级执行器系统存在两个不足:其一,系统中融合在一起的迟滞和蠕变非线性会降低控制精度;其二,对两个执行器分开设计控制器会使得调整时间过长。针对这些不足,本项目首先构造迟滞算子和蠕变算子,提出基于这两个算子的扩展空间法来建立综合模型,全面描述迟滞和蠕变非线性,克服单一模型精度低的缺点。然后,提出了结合该综合模型的直接控制法来设计第二级控制器,克服逆模型方法参数依赖性强的缺点。最后,构造协同因子,提出基于该协同因子的协调控制方法,实现两级执行器的协同运动,克服两个执行器分开控制会造成调整时间长的缺点。通过本项目的研究,能够提高双级执行器系统的精度和速度,将为微操作技术的发展提供有效的建模和控制方法,具有重要的科学研究意义。
中文关键词: 双级执行器系统;迟滞;协同控制;;
英文摘要: Dual-stage actuator system is widely used in high-precision positioning application.The precision and speed are the key factors of the dual-stage actuator system.However, there are some drawbacks in current modeling and control methods.First, the hysteresis and creep nonlinearities that can influence the control accuracy are always fused together.Second, the conventional control mothed may lead to long-time adjustment because of the repeatitive movement of the two actuators. To overcome the disadvantages of the dual-stage actuator system, first, the hysteretic and creep operators are proposed to construct an integrated model using expanded-input-space method. The integrated model can fully describe the hysteresis and creep nonlinearities and overcome the drawbacks of the sole model for the precision. Thus, The direct controller incoperated with the integrated model is proposed to eliminate the effect of hysteresis and creep. Finally,the novel operator is proposed to design the coordinate controller. The coordinate controller can overcome the drawback of long-time adjustmen. Moreover, the integrated model and coordinate controler can improve accuracy and speed of the proposed dual-stage actuator system.The project which provides the efficient modeling and control method has important significance for the micro-m
英文关键词: Dual-stage actuator system;Hysteresis;Coordinate control;;