项目名称: 自适应光栅拼接技术研究
项目编号: No.61308040
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 张军伟
作者单位: 中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 本项目针对高能短脉冲激光装置研制目前急需的大口径光栅提出新的获取方案。光栅口径是影响高能短脉冲激光装置输出能力的一个重要指标,光栅拼接是增大光栅口径的主要技术途径之一。 现有光栅拼接技术难点在于拼接子光栅之间5个自由度方向上拼接误差的精确控制,在外界激励因素(环境振动、温度等)作用下,保持大口径光栅拼接误差的长时间稳定是当前世界范围内光栅拼接研究面临的主要难题。本项目提出的自适应光栅拼接技术把拼接的子光栅做成固定式光栅,子光栅间的拼接误差通过在预放注入端放置的小口径快速反射镜进行补偿,光栅拼接稳定性控制的难题转移成了对快速反射镜的控制,技术难度大大降低。理论上,将重点研究环境因素对大口径光栅的影响,研究大口径光栅拼接误差与快速反射镜间的补偿系数,建立控制模型。实验上,将对自适应拼接技术方案进行验证。该项目紧密结合超短高能激光装置发展需求,将对今后超短激光装置发展起到深远的影响。
中文关键词: 高能短脉冲激光装置;光栅拼接;误差控制;误差检测;自适应控制
英文摘要: This project propose a new method of getting large aperture grating to satisfy the requirement of high energy short pulse laser faciligy.The size of grating is an important indexe that limit the output ability of the high-energy ultra-short pulse laser facility,Tiling multiple small-scale gratings coherently to form a tiled grating as a substitute for a larger single one is one way to get large size grating. However, an ideal tiled grating requires that identical small scale gratings are added with no orientation or position errors. Considering the ambient vibration and temperature, it is impossible to achieve the two adjacent small-scale gratings with no orientation and position errors. Adjust tiled grating technology is proposed in this project,which is the tiled error between the small-scale gratings is compensated by a high speed moving small size mirror positioned at the front end of the high energy short pulse laser faciligy,the diffcult of the stability control of tiled grating turn to the controlling of the high speed moving mirror,which is less diffcult to achieve.In this project, the influence of large aperture gratings caused by ambient factor, the compensate coefficient between tiled sub-aperture gratings and high speed mirror and the control mode will be researched in theory. The adjust tiled grat
英文关键词: high-energy ultra-short pulse laser facility;tiled grating;error control;error detection;adaptive control