项目名称: 核辐射探测器材料CdMnTe的移动加热器法晶体生长及其探测器制备研究
项目编号: No.51472155
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 张继军
作者单位: 上海大学
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: CdMnTe晶体是一种十分有前景的室温核辐射探测器材料。本课题将开展移动加热器法生长高质量、大体积CdMnTe晶体及高性能CdMnTe核辐射探测器研究。采用有限元ANSYS软件模拟移动加热器法CdMnTe晶体生长的热量传输、溶质传输及固液界面状态,建立晶体的稳态生长理论模型。利用自主开发的移动加热器法晶体生长设备开展CdMnTe晶体的移动加热器法晶体生长工艺研究,揭示晶体生长参数和晶体完整性之间的内在联系,探索晶体缺陷对电学性能的影响机制,获得移动加热器法生长CdMnTe晶体的关键技术。采用有限元和蒙特卡罗方法模拟分析探测器的电极几何结构对器件权重势分布、电荷输运和能谱特性的影响,实现对器件结构的优化设计。研究器件结构设计与制备工艺参数对探测器性能的影响。最终研制出具有我国自主知识产权的移动加热器法CdMnTe晶体生长技术,并制备出满足不同应用领域的CdMnTe核辐射探测器。
中文关键词: 碲锰镉;晶体生长;移动加热器法;核辐射探测器
英文摘要: CdMnTe is a promising room temperature nuclear radiation detectors material. The project will focus on the travelling heater method (THM) growth of high-quality and large-size CdMnTe crystals and the fabrication of high-performance CdMnTe nuclear detectors. Adopting the Finite Element Method (FEM) ANSYS simulation software, the heat transfer, solute field and solid-liquid interface during the THM growth of CdMnTe will be conducted, and the stable-growth model will be built. Using the home-built THM system, the experimental crystal growth of CdMnTe will be carried out. The relationship between the crystal perfection and the growth parameters will be explored,and the effect mechanism of crystal defects on the electrical properties will be built, to achieve the key technology of the THM growth of CdMnTe. The FEM and Monte-carol simulation will be performed to analyze the effect of detector geometry on the weighting potential, carrier transport and energy spectra,thus realize the optimum design of detector structures. The effect of detector structures and preparation technology on the performance of detectors will be evaluated. The goal of the project is to develop the THM growth technology of CdMnTe with our own intellectual property rights and to fabricate CdMnTe nuclear detectors satisfying various applications.
英文关键词: CdMnTe;crystal growth;Travelling Heater Method;nuclear radiation detector