项目名称: 玉米氮素信号转导因子ZmGlnB1基因的功能与作用机理研究
项目编号: No.31201215
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 食品科学、农学基础与作物学
项目作者: 陈亮
作者单位: 吉林省农业科学院
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 培育氮高效利用品种是解决当前我国玉米氮利用效率低这一难题的有效途径,而定位和分离氮素代谢调控网络上的关键基因是培育氮高效利用品种的前提和基础。GlnB1是一类在植物体内感应并传递氮素信号的基因,与全株氮素代谢调控反应、氮利用效率紧密相关,其功能仅在模式植物中得到证实,在玉米中尚无相关报道。本研究在对我国玉米生产上常用的自交系材料进行氮利用效率评估的基础之上,结合ZmGlnB1基因序列多样性的研究结果,开展基于候选基因策略的关联性分析,发掘与氮高效利用性状相关的ZmGlnB1功能等位基因,并在组织、细胞和分子水平上鉴定ZmGlnB1基因的功能。本研究一方面可以探明氮素信号转导因子ZmGlnB1基因在玉米氮素生理利用中的功能和作用机理;另一方面可以筛选出氮高效利用的玉米自交系材料,为玉米种质资源的遗传改良奠定基础。
中文关键词: 玉米;氮素高效利用;关联性分析;氮素信号转导因子;ZmGlnB1
英文摘要: Nitrogen is the important factor in maize production. The low nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUE) of maize is a challenge in China. Discovering gene resource involved in NUE is the basis of maize breeding. GlnB1 proteins can be regarded as nitrogen signal transduction factors, and perform or regulate crucial reactions in nitrogen assimilatory pathways. Its function was only certified in the model plants, but there were no related reports in maize. Through the hydroponics and field experiments, 96 maize inbred lines commonly used in Chinese breeding programs were evaluated for NUE. Genetic structure and diversity of ZmGlnB1 gene among those tested materials were studied, which included SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism), Indel (insertion and deletion), CNV (copy number variation) and PAV (presence/absence variation). The association analysis was performed between the genetic diversity of ZmGlnB1 and NUE phenotype among the tested maize inbred lines. The function of ZmGlnB1 gene was identified at the tissue, cellular and molecular levels. One objective of this study was to identify functional alleles and haplotypes of high NUE, which made the critical breakthrough in theory and application of functional gene. The other objective was to identify the inbred lines of high NUE for the genetic improvement of maize
英文关键词: Maize (Zea mays L.);High nitrogen utilization efficiency;Association analysis;Nitrogen signal transduction factor;ZmGlnB1