项目名称: 碳纳米材料生产过程建模及过程分析与控制研究
项目编号: No.71471097
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 吴甦
作者单位: 清华大学
项目金额: 50万元
中文摘要: 碳纳米管以其优异的性能从而具有巨大的应用前景。但由于其生长过程尚不稳定,还未实现工业化生产。针对此现状,本研究从关键质量指标入手,建立其与易测量的微观指标之间的测量模型;其次通过建立表征模型提取微观指标的空间特征,将高维空间指标转化为低维的特征参数以便于提高后续模型及控制算法的稳定性;然后建立特征参数与控制参数之间的生长过程模型;最后基于过程模型设计控制算法。本研究基于关键质量指标和微观指标之间相关性的空间分布建立了测量模型,考虑了微观指标的空间分布建立了表征模型,利用贝叶斯框架综合了工程知识、专家意见以及实验数据等多类型信息建立了生长过程模型;将碳纳米管的关键质量指标、微观指标、特征参数以及生长过程参数有机的联系在一起,通过控制算法将其融合成针对碳纳米管测量、表征、过程建模及控制的完整分析工具。本研究将有助于碳纳米管工业化生产的实现,同时对其他纳米材料的研究也将有一定的借鉴意义。
中文关键词: 过程建模;纳米材料;统计过程控制
英文摘要: Due to lots of excellent properties, Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have the potential to replace lots of traditional materials. However, the mass production of CNTs have not been achieved because of its unstable synthesis process. To address the issue, this research first constructs a measurement model to describe the relationship between the key quality index of interest which is usually hard to measure and the micro index which is easy to obtain. Then the research decrease the dimension of problem by building a characterization model for micro index which extracting the lower-dimensional characteristic parameters from the high-dimensional spatial micro index. After that, a process model has been proposed to relate the characteristic parameters to control variables, which is followed by the process controller based on the process model. In this research, the measurement model is built by capturing the spatial properties of the relationship between two types of indices. The characterization model is constructed based on the spatial distribution of micro index. Different types and sources of information, such as engineering model, expert opinions as well as field data, have been combined by Bayesian framework to build the process model. With the process controller, all the three models mentioned above have integrated the key quality index, micro index, characteristic parameters as well as the process variables to become a set of analysis and quantitative tool which focuses on the measurement, characterization, process modeling and control for CNTs. This project will be helpful to the achievement and quality control of the mass production of CNTs, and has the potential to be applied for other nano-materials.
英文关键词: Process modeling;Nano materials;Statistical process control