项目名称: 基于遥感技术与反向轨迹模式的秸秆焚烧与雾霾污染联动机制研究
项目编号: No.41501544
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 地质学
项目作者: 陈志刚
作者单位: 安徽理工大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 秸秆焚烧在特定气象条件下会造成特定区域的雾霾污染,然而秸秆焚烧屡禁不止。其主要原因在于禁烧区域确定不合理,简单粗暴的在所有耕作区域实行禁烧,最终造成禁烧政策收效甚微。在综合考虑秸秆焚烧区域、气象条件要素的条件下,确定雾霾污染发生区域以及在综合考虑雾霾污染发生轨迹与气象要素条件下,确定合理与切合实际的禁烧区域亟需研究。本项目拟以遥感与反向轨迹模式为主要技术对安徽省秸秆焚烧所造成的长三角地区大气污染进行深入研究。主要工作包括:(1)以热红外遥感技术反演火点监测秸秆焚烧,用反向轨迹模式监测污染物的移动轨迹;(2)用气溶胶遥感反演技术获取气溶胶的浓度,确定大气污染程度;(3)通过对多个时间序列秸秆焚烧造成的大气污染案例进行分析,并结合气象数据,确定合理的禁烧区域分等级图;(4)研究安徽省秸秆焚烧造成长三角大气污染的机理,并建立秸秆焚烧与雾霾污染遥感信息管理系统,为秸秆禁烧政策的制定提供参考。
中文关键词: 遥感;反向轨迹模式;秸秆焚烧;雾霾;气溶胶
英文摘要: Although the burning of straw will result in mist and haze pollution of a specific region in certain weather condition, the burning is repeated. One of the main reasons is that the burning prohibited region is determined not reasonable, simple and crude in all crops areas, and eventually causes burning policies have little effect. When consideration of the haze pollution occurrence area, the straw burning region and meteorological conditions should be considered, when consideration of the burning prohibited region, the mist and haze pollution track and meteorological elements should be referred, so determination of reasonable and practical burning prohibited policies has to be studied. The project plans to use remote sensing technology and backward trajectory model to study the atmospheric pollution in Yangtze River Delta region caused by straw burning in Anhui province. The main work is as follows: (1) The thermal infrared remote sensing technology is used to inverse fire-spot caused by straw burning, and mobile pollutants is modeled by backward trajectory inversion model; (2) Using aerosol remote sensing inversion technique to obtain aerosol concentration which determine the degree of atmosphere pollution in some extent; (3) By analysis of multiple time series of straw-burning air pollution cases, combining with the meteorological data, the reasonable burning prohibited area is determined; (4) study on the mechanism of Yangtze River Delta region air pollution caused by the burning of straw in Anhui province, and establish the straw-burning and haze pollution remote sensing information management system, to provide a reference for the formulation of the straw-burning prohibited policy.
英文关键词: Remote Sensing;Backward trajectory model;Straw-buring;Mist and haze;Aerosol