项目名称: 基于重用的软件开发项目的成本估算方法研究
项目编号: No.60873072
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 杨叶
作者单位: 中国科学院软件研究所
项目金额: 28万元
中文摘要: 过去的四十多年里,研究者们提出了大量成本估算方法和模型,以预测软件开发的规模、工作量、成本、进度和软件质量,但已有的成果并不令人满意。尤其是在面向软件重用方面,由于模型的不适用性造成实际项目中很多"垃圾数据导致垃圾结果"(garbage-in, garbage -out)的局面。本课题将基于以往的工作成果,探索目前软件重用成本估算的不同模型之间在成本因素、估算算法、重用范围、以及基本假设上的深层次差异,基于参数化估算模型构造一套系统化的面向软件重用的成本估算方法,指导软件开发中选择合适的软件重用粒度,合理准确的开发成本估算和开发风险评估,是对以往研究工作的延续。对于完善和扩展现有的软件成本估算理论和方法研究,保障软件项目真正从重用中收获经济效益或其他价值,促进我国软件产业健康快速发展具有至关重要的理论和实践价值。
中文关键词: 软件重用;规模度量;成本驱动因子;软件成本估算;风险评估
英文摘要: During the past a few decades, a large amount of cost estimation methods and models have been proposed to predict the software size, effort, cost, schedule and quality. However, the existing results are not satisfactory. Esepecially in software reuse field, due to the inapplicability of estimation models, garbage-in, garbage-out commonly happens in real project. Based on our prenious work, this research will in depth explore the differences of model cost driver, algorithm, reuse scope and basic assumption. And we will try to establish a systematic cost estimation method towards software reuse based on parametric estimation model. The research is vital important for that the method will guide the selection for proper reuse granularity and development of a reasonable & accurate cost estiamtion as well risk assessment.Also the research result will guarantee that the software project can really benefit from the reuse and it will promote the healthy development of our country's software industry.
英文关键词: software reuse; sizing; cost driver;software cost estimation; risk assessment