项目名称: 神经膜计算系统研究
项目编号: No.30870826
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 潘林强
作者单位: 华中科技大学
项目金额: 35万元
中文摘要: 膜计算模型是基于细胞结构和功能的一类分布式并行计算模型,是计算机科学的新兴领域。神经元是一类高度分化的细胞。本项目研究基于神经元的膜计算模型。建立了三类神经膜计算模型,分别把轴突、突触的兴奋与抑制、星细胞引入到了神经膜计算模型。从计算机科学的角度,研究了这些计算模型的范式、异步计算模式等问题,改进和纠正前人的结果。基于干细胞分裂和神经元细胞的牙殖,提出了新的计算空间生成的方法,使得在有效时间内求解计算困难问题成为可能。研究了环境对计算结果的影响问题,建立了对环境具有鲁棒性的神经膜计算系统。研究了构造通用计算系统所需资源问题,建立了由10个神经元组成的通用神经膜计算系统;由一类神经元组成的通用神经膜计算系统。将所建立的新模型应用于计算困难问题的求解,譬如SAT问题,Ramsey数问题等。设计了基于神经膜计算模型的算术运算系统。本项目所得到的研究结果不仅为计算机科学提供了新的计算模型和算法,而且为系统生物学建模和仿真提供了新方法和工具。
中文关键词: 膜计算;神经膜计算;计算神经科学;建模与仿真
英文摘要: Models in membrane computing are a class of parallel and distributed computation models inspired by the functioning and structure of cells, which is a new branch of theoretical computer science. As we know, neuron is a distinguished cell. So, in this project, we focus on the investigation of computation models in the framework of membrane computing inspired by neurons. In this project, three new spiking neural membrane computing models were established, where axon, synapse and astrocyte were introduced into the models. From the theoretical computer science point of view, we investigated the computation properties such as normal form and asynchronous computation mode; the results improved the corresponding known results. New methods to generate computation working space were introduced, which were inspired by the division of stem cells and neuron budding. We proposed spiking neural membrane computing models that are robust again the change of environment. The problem of necessary computation resources to construct universal computation models was investigated. It was proved that ten neurons or a class of neurons are enough to have universal computation models. Spiking neural membrane computing models were used to solve computation hard problems such as SAT problem and Ramsey number, or to implement arithmetic operations. The results obtained in this project not only have new computation models and algorithms, but also provide new methods and tools for modeling and simulation of biological systems.
英文关键词: membrane computing;neural membrane computing;computational neural science;modelling and simulation