项目名称: 基于契伦科夫信号增强技术的双模式内窥成像方法研究
项目编号: No.81471700
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 刘海峰
作者单位: 中国人民解放军总医院
项目金额: 72万元
中文摘要: 契伦科夫光实现了放射性核素光学分子成像,成功解决光学分子影像探针局限性的问题;内窥成像方式成功解决了光学分子成像组织穿透性的问题。因此内窥式契伦科夫光成像在早期胃癌分子成像的临床转化应用方面具有巨大的推动价值。然而由于契伦科夫光信号微弱,在较长的成像曝光时间内易受到胃肠道蠕动的影响,限制了其临床应用。本研究依据契伦科夫光的光谱特点构建多种临床可用的靶向荧光探针,通过级联二次激发成像,增强信号强度及组织穿透性;进一步优化内窥式契伦科夫光成像设备,提高信号传导效率;进而构建荧光-契伦科夫光双模式内窥成像设备,在进行放射性核素级联二次激发成像的同时又能获得荧光探针的分布信息,提高阳性信号定位的准确性。本项目研究成果旨在进一步推动契伦科夫光成像的临床应用,为提高早期胃癌的检出率提供新方法。
中文关键词: 契伦科夫光;内窥;荧光探针;早期胃癌;成像方法
英文摘要: It achieves the radionuclide optical molecular imaging by Cerenkov luminescence, which successfully solves the limitations of the probe used in optical molecular imaging. Endoscopic imaging enhances the tissue penetration of optical molecular imaging. Therefore, endoscopic Cerenkov luminescence imaging has great value in promoting the clinical transformation of the molecular imaging of early gastric cancer. However, the clinical application is limited due to the weak signal of Cerenkov luminescence and the gastrointestinal motility in the imaging exposure time. First, we produce targeted fluorescent probes which can be used in clinical practice according the spectral characteristics of Cerenkov luminescence. By the secondary excitation imaging, they can enhance signal strength and tissue penetration. It improves the efficiency of the signal transduction when optimizing the Cerenkov luminescence endoscopic imaging equipment. Finally, we design the dual-mode imaging equipment which can be used for fluorescence imaging but also Cerenkov luminescence imaging to process the secondary excitation imaging of radionuclide and obtain the information of the distribution of the fluorescence probe, to increase the veracity of the location to positive signal. This research aims to further promote the clinical practice of Cerenkov luminescence imaging, to provide a new way in improving the detection rate of early gastric cancer.
英文关键词: Cerenkov luminesecence imaging;Endoscopic;Fluorescent probe;Early gastric cancer;Imaging method