项目名称: 基于广义多载波M元CSK扩频的高速率水声通信技术研究
项目编号: No.11304056
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 周锋
作者单位: 哈尔滨工程大学
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: 扩频水声通信由于其良好的抗噪声和干扰的能力而被广泛应用,但由于其有限的通信速率,而逐渐不能满足需求。本课题提出的高速率扩频水声通信技术就是针对以上的问题提出的解决方案,在不以稳健性为牺牲的前提下,研究提高水声通信速率的方法。研究内容包括:1.依据真实测量的海洋信道,对不同地形条件、不同季节的信道进行研究,建立不同地形条件的时变信道模型。2.提出了一种基于小Kasami序列,M元和CSK技术相结合的水声扩频通信技术,该技术分别利用序列的码相位和序列簇序号来携带信息,从而达到提高通信速率的目的。3.提出基于广义多载波和M元CSK扩频技术相结合的水声通信技术,该技术利用频谱重叠技术提高频谱利用率,同时利用时变信道模型进行仿真的手段,分析系统参数变化规律,从而设计稳定的多载波M元CSK扩频水声通信技术。本课题的研究将推动高速率稳健扩频水声通信的发展。
中文关键词: 时变信道建模;水声通信;M元扩频;正交多载波M元扩频;
英文摘要: Underwater acoustic (UWA) spread spectrum communication is widely used because of its good anti-noise ability and anti-interference ability. But owing to the limited data rate spread spectrum communication cannot meet the demand of the development. High data rate reliable UWA spread spectrum communication is proposed as a solution to enhance data rate at no cost of reliability in this research. The research is organized as follows: 1. The channel is explored in different topography and different seasons based on real measured sea channels. In addition, time-variable channel model is established based on different topography. 2. A UWA spread spectrum telemetry is explored to combine M-ary and CSK based on small Kasami sequences to enhance the data rate, which carries information by both code phase and sequence number. 3. A UWA communication telemetry is proposed to combine generalized multi-carrier and M-ary CSK spread spectrum, which utilizes frequency spectrum efficiently. Meanwhile, the time-variable channel model is adopted to simulate and analyze the variation of system parameters. As a result, reliable multi-carrier M-ary CSK UWA spread spectrum telemetry can be available. The development of high data rate reliable UWA spread spectrum communication will be promoted by this research.
英文关键词: time-varying channel model;underwater acoustic communications;M-ary spread spectrum;Orthogonal multicarrie M-ary spread spectrum;