项目名称: 长时吗啡暴露至自然戒断周期内MeCP2在小鼠海马的表达动态及其对吗啡成瘾记忆的调控
项目编号: No.81471356
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 曹军
作者单位: 云南大学
项目金额: 70万元
中文摘要: 即使成瘾戒断后,环境线索仍能触发毒品吗啡的复吸。我们和其它实验室报道异常的海马组合突触可塑性机制参与了牢固的成瘾记忆,尚不清楚表观遗传机制的作用。预实验发现,在长时吗啡暴露至长时自然戒断期间,能与甲基化DNA序列结合的蛋白MeCP2的mRNA在野生型小鼠海马脑区的表达动态呈N形(注射第2天上升至顶点,渐降至基线以下;戒断第1天急回升至基线,后渐升),此异常被μ阿片受体拮抗剂阻断。因此MeCP2依赖的海马突触可塑性机制如何调控吗啡成瘾记忆成为大家关注的问题。利用小鼠条件位置偏爱(慢性吗啡-自然戒断-记忆提取)成瘾模型,使用CaMKIIα-Cre驱动的海马MeCP2基因敲除技术、海马注射腺相关病毒干预基因表达技术、电生理、WesternBlot、PCR和行为学等方法,重点研究MeCP2依赖的海马突触结构和功能可塑性的变化,及其对环境线索触发的毒品记忆调控。研究结果可为临床干预提供新思路。
中文关键词: 吗啡成瘾;成瘾记忆;突触可塑性;海马;甲基化CpG结合蛋白2
英文摘要: Opiate addiction is a brain disease. After long-term opiate withdrawal, drug-related environmental cues can still trigger opiate craving and relapse. Addiction memory may contribute to the persistence of addictive disorders. Our and other previous experiments support the role of hippocampal long-term plasticity in addiction. Methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2)is a transcriptional regulator that contributes to the function of CNS synapses.However, the role of MeCP2 in opiate addiction remains unknown.Using chronic morphine conditioned place preference animal model, the dynamic changes of MeCP2,NMDA receptor,AMPA receptor, hippocampal synaptic plasticity during the period of chronic morphine treatment,natural withdrawal,and addiction memory retrieval will be examined. Furthermore,through the control of hippocampal MeCP2 expression, we will focus on the epigenetic role of MeCP2 in addiction memory during withdrawal. The study aims to provide a new clinical strategies.
英文关键词: morphine addicton;addiction memory;synaptic plasticity;hippocampus;MeCP2