We provide a self-contained introduction to finite extensive games with perfect information. In these games players proceed in turns having, at each stage, finitely many moves to their disposal, each play always ends, and in each play the players have complete knowledge of the previously made moves. Almost all discussed results are well-known, but often they are not presented in an optimal form. Also, they usually appear in the literature aimed at economists or mathematicians, so the algorithmic or logical aspects are underrepresented.
翻译:我们为有限的大游戏提供了一个自成一体的介绍,这些游戏有完美的信息。 在这些游戏中,玩家们轮流进行,在每个阶段都有数量有限的动作,每个游戏总是结束,在每场游戏中,玩家们对以往的动作都完全了解。 几乎所有讨论的结果都是众所周知的,但往往不是以最佳形式呈现的。 此外,这些结果通常出现在以经济学家或数学家为对象的文献中,因此算法或逻辑方面的代表性不足。