项目名称: 复杂网络中的一些深层次的问题
项目编号: No.61273211
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 陈天平
作者单位: 复旦大学
项目金额: 67万元
中文摘要: 复杂网络是近十年来一个热点研究课题.一些常见问题的研究取得很好的进展,得到了一些结果.而随着研究的深入,一些深层次的问题出现了.而用已有的思想和方法很难有所突破.因此,必需引入新思路,新方法. 本研究项目拟讨论和解决一些深层次的问题.主要研究内容包括: 1.动态连接拓扑结构复杂网络的一致性的研究.即网络中节点间的连接拓扑和权重依赖于节点的动力学行为. 2.时变复杂合作/竞争网络一致性的研究. 即各个节点间存在随时间变化的合作/竞争关系网络的一致性研究.3.时滞对于动态连接复杂网络同步/协同的作用和影响.4.最优牵制控制(包括脉冲控制)的设计和分析.5.一些应用. 期望这些理论成果在研究(计算机/疾病)病毒的传播及扼制中能发挥作用.
中文关键词: 复杂网络;时变系统;耦合拓扑;竞争/合作;稳定和控制
英文摘要: The topic "Complex networks" has become a hot research field. Many problems have been addressed and some results appear in the literature. Along with the progress of the research, some deep theoretical questions arise. It is difficult to solve these problems and make breakthrough by using the routing ideas and methods existed. Therefore, some new ideas and approaches should be introduced. The purpose of this project is to solve some problems in this respect. The main topics are: 1. Consensus/synchronization for networks with dynamical connection topology, which depends on the dynamics of the nodes. 2. Consensus/synchronization for networks with time-varying corporation/competition connections. That is the connection topology and weights might be cooperative or competitive. 3. Effects and inference of the time-delays for consensus/synchronization. 4. Design and theoretical analysis for optimal pinning control (including impulsive control).5. Some applications. Expect to apply the theoretical results to investigation of the spreading/inhibition of the virus (computer/decease).
英文关键词: Complex networks;Time-varying systems;coupling topology;competition/cooperation;stability and control