项目名称: 粉砂淤泥质海岸带潮沟系统演化过程及其对人类活动响应的遥感监测研究——以江苏中部沿海为例
项目编号: No.41471068
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 地理学
项目作者: 刘永学
作者单位: 南京大学
项目金额: 90万元
中文摘要: 潮沟系统是潮滩上最活跃的地貌单元,在潮流、波浪、风暴潮、人类活动等因素的作用下,潮沟系统敏感、多变,对邻近海堤、港口等沿海工程构成极大威胁。江苏中部沿海是我国潮沟系统最为发育的区域,在沉积动力环境快速变化、人类活动影响加剧等背景下,从保障经济社会可持续发展的角度出发,亟需掌握潮沟系统演化规律。研究拟在遥感、GIS等支持下,针对提取难(面向中、高空间分辨率遥感影像、LiDAR数据等潮沟系统信息提取)、表征难(潮沟系统的空间形态特征分析)、分析难(长时间序列、精细时间尺度下潮沟系统演化过程分析)等难点与关键点,发展从多源多时相中、高分遥感影像、LiDAR数据中潮沟系统的遥感提取、空间形态特征分析及演化过程分析方法,构建起近40年来江苏中部沿海潮沟系统演化数据集,分析该区域潮沟系统自然演化规律及其对人类活动响应,为沿海开发、海涂资源利用与保护等提供科学依据,服务于沿海经济社会的平稳、持续发发展。
中文关键词: 海岸带演化;潮间带;遥感监测;地理信息系统
英文摘要: Tidal creek networks are transporting and exchanging waterways for seawater, sediment, nutrients and energy among different parts in the tidal zone and sea. Tidal creek networks are the most active geomorphologic unit in the broad tidal flat; they control the hydrology and sediment distribution, geomorphology and ecology within the entire coastal wetland. In many cases, the geomorphic processes of tidal creek networks are very sensitive and changeable under the combined effect of the tides, waves, storm surges, human activities and other factors. The complex geomorphologic processes, including lateral migration, headward, sideward and downward erosion, pose a great threat on the adjacent dams, ports and other coastal projects. Tidal creek networks are well developed along the middle section of the Jiangsu coast. The study of the behavior of tidal creek networks is essential in order to understand the morph dynamics of intertidal zones, and is crucial for the sustainable development of regional economy and society under the background of the rapid changes in sedimentary dynamic environment and the intensified impact of human activities. This study intends to investigate the evolution processes of tidal creek network and its geomorphologic response on human activities based on Remote Sensing (RS) monitoring technology, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) technology with a case study in Jiangsu middle coast. The main objectives of the research to be carried out including three items: (1) to propose an automatic tidal creek networks extraction methods from multi-temporal remote sensing images and LiDAR data, hydraulic-geometric characteristics analysis method of the tidal creek system, and quantitative methods for analyzing the evolution processes of tidal creek networks; (2) to built up tidal creek system evolution processes datasets of tidal creek networks along the middle section of the Jiangsu coast during the past 40 years; and (3) to analyze the regional natural evolution of tidal creek system and its geomorphologic response to human activities during the past forty years. All findings will be useful for the researchers and local authorities, allowing it to be used as a scientific reference for supporting environmental management, coastal development, salt marsh reclamation, and wetlands protection, and serving smooth coastal economy and society, sustainable development.
英文关键词: Coastal Evolution;Intertidal Zone;Remote Sensing Monitoring;Geographic Information System