项目名称: 配电变压器集成化静止补偿技术的作用机理与控制方法研究
项目编号: No.51277084
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 尹项根
作者单位: 华中科技大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 静止同步补偿器(STATCOM)作为现代电网无功支撑、系统节能和电能质量控制最有前途的技术而被广泛研究。高压大功率STATCOM受制于功率器件耐压和容量而产生技术瓶颈,且缺乏对配网的节能作用;配网STATCOM尚处于应用探索中,而低压有源滤波器不足以承担配网的电压支撑作用,且缺乏相互配合,补偿效率低,资源浪费大。申请者经过研究认为在配网中电压等级交汇点是一个重要而有效的补偿控制点,提出了一种将配电变压器与静止补偿装置相集成的新技术。本项目拟从补偿装置与变压器的集成方式和相互作用机理,充分利用器件效能的主电路结构,跨配电变的多目标补偿控制策略等关键技术展开深入研究,结合高压大功率STATCOM与配网STATCOM技术优点,充分利用配电变富余容量,在配网电压等级交汇点实现集中性的无功补偿、谐波抑制和不对称校正,达到配网节约资源、节能降耗及性能优化的目标,推进配网STATCOM技术的工程化进程。
中文关键词: 配电变压器;静止补偿器;集成化技术;补偿机理;多目标控制
英文摘要: Static synchronous compensator(STATCOM),as the most promising technical measures of modern grid reactive support, system energy saving and power quality control ,has been widely studied. The development of high-voltage high-power STATCOM is subjected to the technical bottlenecks issued from the withstand voltage and the capacity of power components, and the energy saving effect of which to the distribution network is insufficient. The active power filter worked in low voltage level is incapable to satisfy the voltage support in the modern distribution network, which is lacking of interworking and has a low compensation efficiency and a high resources waste. Through the research we find out that the intersection of high voltage and low voltage in distribution network is an important and effective compensation control point, and a novel technology of the integration of distribution transformer and STATCOM is proposeed. This project will research into the key technical problems of the integration methods and interaction mechanism of the transformer and the compensation device, the main circuit structure and the cascade way that make full use of the device efficiency and the multi-objective compensation control strategy across the distribution transformers, combining the technical advantages of high-voltage high-po
英文关键词: distribution transformer;static compensator;integrated technology;compensation mechanism;multi-objective control