项目名称: 基于干扰对齐的多小区协作关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61271234
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 宋荣方
作者单位: 南京邮电大学
项目金额: 75万元
中文摘要: 为了提高以正交频分复用多址为基本多址技术的蜂窝系统的容量,小区间干扰是必须解决的关键问题。多天线(MIMO)技术和基站协作技术相结合为解决小区间干扰带来了新的自由度,形成了网络MIMO这一研究热点。尽管网络MIMO前景广阔,但由于基站间要共享用户数据信息和信道状态信息以实现联合发送和接收,实际应用时面临复杂度和系统开销等诸多挑战。干扰对齐是近年来信息论领域的重要研究进展,以干扰对齐为基础解决小区间干扰,由于基站间不需要共享数据信息,一定程度上降低了系统开销,但信道估计和反馈开销远比非协作系统要高,并在结构上明显不同。本项目研究基于干扰对齐的多小区协作关键技术:研究多小区协作干扰对齐环境下的信道状态信息估计、导频优化以及有限反馈问题,它们是进行干扰对齐的基础和性能保证;研究基于干扰对齐的多小区协作多用户调度技术,它是多小区系统中进行干扰对齐的核心技术。
中文关键词: 干扰对齐;干扰协调;压缩感知;信道估计;信道反馈
英文摘要: For improving the capacity of OFDMA based cellular systems,it is necessary to solve the intercell interference.MIMO combined with base station cooperation provides a new degree of freedom to deal with this problem and network MIMO becomes a research hotspot.In spite of the broad prospect of network MIMO,it is faced with a lot of challenges such as complexity and system overhead because user data and channal state information must be shared among base stations to realize the joint processing.Interference alignment is a new achievement in the area of information theory.Interference alignment based solution to intercell interference can alleviate the overhead to some extent due to no sharing of data,but channel estimation and feedback overhead is still much larger than noncooperative systems.In this project,key techniques in interference alignment based multi-cell cooperation (IAMCC)systems will be studied.Specifically,channel estimation,pilot pattern optimization,and channel feedback will be investigated in the situation of IAMCC systems,which are foundation and performance guarantee of interference alignment.On the other hand,multi-cell multi-user scheduling will be studied,which is core technology for interferece alignment in multi-cell systems.
英文关键词: interference alignment;interference coordination;compressed sensing;channel estimation;channel feedback