项目名称: 高强度聚焦超声治疗中磁感应磁声无创测温与成像研究
项目编号: No.11274176
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 马青玉
作者单位: 南京师范大学
项目金额: 88万元
中文摘要: 高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)利用声热效应产生的局部高温使组织热凝固性坏死来治疗肿瘤,而组织温度监测和热损伤评价是其应用的关键。本项目结合超声成像高分辨率和组织电阻抗成像高对比度的优点,基于组织热损伤的电阻抗变化,拟从理论和实验两方面进行磁感应磁声无创测温和成像研究。从KZK和Pennes方程出发,研究HIFU的声场和温度场特性以及HIFU焦域组织电阻抗梯度分布模型,探索HIFU治疗中磁感应磁声激发和传播的物理机制,建立基于电阻抗差异的磁感应磁声无创测温新方法;研究磁声声压和组织温度的关系,探索HIFU治疗组织热损伤过程中的磁声变化,建立组织热凝固变性临界温度的检测方法;通过磁声偶极辐射理论,基于组织边界法向磁声声压研究生物组织电阻抗层析成像算法,实现HIFU治疗中组织热损伤层析图像的重建和疗效评价。本项目为高强度聚焦超声治疗提供一种高精度的磁感应磁声实时无损监测新技术。
中文关键词: 高强度聚焦超声;磁感应磁声成像;电阻抗;疗效监测;声涡旋
英文摘要: High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) can be used for tumor treatment with the acoustic induced hyperthermia and tissue temperature monitoring is the key topic for thermal lesion evaluation in practical application. Combing the good image resolution of sonography and high image contrast of electrical impedance tomography, this project plans to conduct theoretical and experimental studies for noninvasive magnetoacoustic temperature monitoring and imaging with magnetic induction based on the electrical impedance variation of tissues during HIFU therapy. Based on the KZK and Pennes Equations, the acoustic and temperature fields of HIFU will be studied to obtain the electrical impedance distribution of the focal region, and the noninvasive temperature measurement technology will be proposed with the physical mechanism of magnetoacoustic excitation and acoustic transmission. Meanwhile, the variation characteristics of the collected magnetoacoustic signals in HIFU therapy will be investigated to explore the approach of critical temperature detection for tissue denaturation.In addition, based on the acoustic dipole radiation theory, the electrical impedance tomographic image will be reconstructed with the magnetoacoustic pressure normal vector of the conductivity boundaries for HIFU lesion evaluation. A noninvasive
英文关键词: High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU);magnetoacoustic tomography with magnetic induction;electrical impedance;treatment efficacy monitoring;acoustical vortices