项目名称: 路桥健康监测用微型压电发电装置研制与理论研究
项目编号: No.51208151
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 建筑环境与结构工程学科
项目作者: 吕建福
作者单位: 哈尔滨工业大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 路桥耐久性和安全性问题日益引起人们的普遍关注。传统的监测系统不但耗资大,而且安装不方便,且很难实现实时监测。无线监测系统确保了低廉的造价和安装费用,并使传感器之间的通讯可靠。但微型电源作为其中关键的基础部件发展相对滞后,已成为路桥长期实时健康监测的主要瓶颈。国内外在路桥用埋入式微电源方面研究还处在起步阶段。在考虑路桥复杂应力和恶劣环境的基础上,研究微型压电发电装置的力电转化效率,开展电路对充电速率和电能收集效率影响的研究,研究封装材料和封装方法对微型压电发电装置发电效率的影响;最后进行微型压电发电装置的稳定性和耐久性研究,最终得到可用于路桥健康监测用的微型压电发电装置。该项目研究为路桥实时、长期的健康监测系统发展具有很大推动作用,同时为开发其它的微型电源提供了可借鉴的理论和方法。
中文关键词: 微型电源;能量收集;耐久性;健康监测;路桥
英文摘要: The durability and safety of road and bridge are increasingly caused widespread concern. Traditional monitoring systems are not only costly and inconvenient to install, and hardly achieve real-time monitoring. The wireless monitoring system is low price and low installation cost, and has a reliable communications between sensors. However, development of micro power is lagging behind. As one of the critical components,it has become the main bottleneck of real-time health monitoring for road and bridge. Embedded micro power generation systems in road and bridge are still in its infancy at home and abroad. Based on considering the complex stress and harsh enviroment in the road and bridge, energy conversion efficiency of the micro piezoelectric power generator is studied; the charging rate and energy collection efficiency affected by circuit is conducted; then the effect of packaging materials and packaging methods on micro piezoelectric generator is discussed; last, the stability and durability of micro piezoelectric power generator is experimented. Finally, micro piezoelectric power generator for road and bridge health monitoring is got. It has a great promote for the health monitoring system of road and bridge in real time and with long lifespan, as well as it will provide the theories and methods for the develo
英文关键词: Micro power supply;Energy harvesting;Durability;Health monitoring;Road and bridge