项目名称: 双栅PIN结构双极性有机光敏场效应晶体管和高效有机光探测器研制
项目编号: No.61204059
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 信息四处
项目作者: 王艳平
作者单位: 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所
项目金额: 34万元
中文摘要: 有机光探测器的优势源于有机材料,不仅材料成本低廉,低温大面积制备工艺简单,而且光吸收系数高。有机光敏二极管是目前常用的有机光探测器件,它响应速度快,但光生激子淬灭迅速。与有机光敏二极管相比,有机光敏晶体管具有高增益和信噪比,更适合光探测,但由于阈值电压漂移问题影响了器件的稳定性。我们提出了双栅PIN场效应晶体管结构双极性有机光敏晶体管,不仅继承了有机光敏二极管的快速响应特性以及有机光敏晶体管的高增益和信噪比,而且增加了双栅能够精确控制阈值电压提高了器件的稳定性。通过器件制备及参数优化,探索器件工作机制,形成实现双栅PIN场效应晶体管结构双极性有机光敏晶体管材料、结构以及上下栅压匹配的基本准则,并针对具体光探测要求制备性能稳定的高效有机光探测器。
中文关键词: 双栅;双极性;PIN结构;有机光敏场效应晶体管;有机光探测器
英文摘要: The extended interest in organic photodetectors is the result of qualities of organic semicongductors, such as low cost, large-area processed at low temperature and high absorption coefficient. Organic photodetectors are typically photodiodes, which are ideal for very fast signals but with most challenging problem of the relatively fast annihilation of the excitons which restrict their dissociation efficiency into free charge carriers. Organic photoFETs show higher gains and signal-to-noise ratios compared to organic photodiodes and, thanks to their similar structure, more straightforwardly integrated with OFETs into a circuit. The shift of the threshod voltage in photoFETs becomes one of the main bottlenecks for proper operation. We present a new configuration device, named dual-gate PIN type ambipolar organic photoFETs, with merits of high gains and signal-to-noise ratios, fast signal-output and accurate control of the threshod voltage. The project focus on the preparation of the proposed device, the study of operation mechanism, the formation of matching criterion and fabrication of high efficiency specific organic photodetectors.
英文关键词: dual-gate;ambipolar;PIN type;organic photoFETs;organic phototdetector