项目名称: 脑低频振荡信号的神经和代谢机制研究
项目编号: No.61473305
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 刘亚东
作者单位: 中国人民解放军国防科技大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 本研究以SD大鼠运动感觉皮层和猫初级视觉皮层为实验模型,采用内源光学功能成像、微电极阵列、激光多普勒等作为观测手段,研究脑皮层内源性低频振荡的形成、维持以及多脑区同步机制。重点研究:(1)低频振荡的时空分布在去氧血红蛋白浓度、血流量、局部场电位、神经元群发放等信号中的异同;(2)采用因果分析等技术研究低频振荡的神经代谢机制,明确利用代谢的低频振荡信号进行功能连接研究的合理性;(3)抑制性中间神经元在局部皮层振荡形成和维持过程中的作用,得到从种子点到最终脑功能区内大范围同步过程中抑制性神经元活动的时空扩散过程;抑制性中间神经元在多脑区振荡同步中的作用;(4)探索外界刺激对低频振荡可能的调制途径,重点研究运动感觉通道刺激强度、视觉通道特征捆绑对低频振荡呈现和同步可能的调制。研究对于脑功能连接、皮层信息处理及编码等科学问题具有理论和实践意义。
中文关键词: 脑低频振荡;脑功能成像;同步;抑制性神经元
英文摘要: This study focuses on the neural and metabolic mechanism of low frequency oscillations(LFO) and their synchronization among distinct brain regions. The somatosensory area of SD rat and visual area of cat are exploited as experimental model. Intrinsic optical imaging, microelectrode array and laser Doppler veocimeter are used as image technique. The main goals are: (1)The difference of spatiotemporal architectures of LFO among deoxyhemoglobin level,blood flow ,local field potential and spike.(2) The neural and metabolic mechanism of LFO is to be explored by using the Granger Causality model. It aims to clarify the rationality of general functional connectivity analysis methods based on metabolic LFO. (3) The function of inhibitory interneuron in the shaping and maitaining of LFO. Achieving the intact spatiotemporal activation spread processing of inhibitory interneuron from the seeds to whole observed regions.The function of inhibitory interneuron in synchronization of LFO among distinct areas. (4) To explore the possible modulation of LFO by external stimuli.Highlight the modulation by strengh of stimuli in somatosensory channel and feature binding in visual channel in the present and synchronization of LFO. This study has the theoretical and practical value for investigation of the brain functional connenctivity and cortical information coding and processing.
英文关键词: low frequency oscillations of brain;functional brain imaging;synchronization;inhibitory neuron