项目名称: 换流站滤波电容器装置辐射声场特性与优化措施研究
项目编号: No.51507128
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 祝令瑜
作者单位: 西安交通大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 滤波电容器装置是换流站噪声的主要来源之一,目前对其辐射声场的形成机制、计算方法以及影响因素等问题的认识还不够充分,迫切需要对上述问题展开研究,从而提出合理有效的声场优化措施。本项目分别引入活塞辐射以及偶极子辐射等理论,研究外壳缩涨形成的声场以及多台电容器声场的互相影响,揭示电容器装置辐射声场的形成机制;然后利用瑞利积分建立起电容器装置声场计算方程,获得装置声场分布及其辐射声功率的数值求解方法;进而弄清电容器装置辐射声场分布及其传播特性,掌握电容器安装方式、空间参数及相序布置等因素对装置声场的影响规律;最后基于声场影响因素和形成机制的研究结果,将惠更斯原理、相控阵技术等引入到电容器装置的声场控制中,获得行之有效的声场优化措施。研究结果可以完善高压直流换流站滤波电容器装置辐射噪声基础理论,对解决我国特高压直流输电工程噪声污染问题具有重要的工程价值。
中文关键词: 高压直流输电;滤波电容器装置;声场特性;声场形成机制
英文摘要: Filter capacitor stacks are one of the main noise sources in converter stations. The properties, forming mechanism, calculation method and influencing factors of the stack sound field are still not clear until now, and as a result, there is still a lack of effective optimization measures for the sound field. This project is planning to introduce the theories of piston radiation and dipole radiation, to investigate the sound field caused by the concavo-convex vibration of capacitor closure and the interaction mechanism between the capacitor sound fields, individually, based on which, the forming mechanism of the sound field will be revealed; and then we will adopt the Rayleigh integral to build the sound field function, and a numerical calculation method for the sound field and the sound power is going to be proposed; the sound field property of capacitor stacks, and the influence rules of installation manner, space parameters, and phase sequence will be investigated; at last, Huygens principle and phased array techniques will be introduced to propose effective sound field optimization measures based on the research of the influence factors and sound radiation mechanism. The achievements will enhance the sound radiation theory of filter capacitor stacks in HVDC converter stations, and will be of great significance for the solution of the noise pollution of our UHVDC projects.
英文关键词: High Voltage DC;Filter capacitor stack;Sound field property;Sound field mechanism