项目名称: 医疗意见领袖在社区慢性病管理中的介入模式和效果评估
项目编号: No.71303084
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 徐娟
作者单位: 华中科技大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 在充分了解目前国内外慢性病管理研究的基础上,结合我国社区卫生服务系统慢性病管理职能特点,以及目前慢性病健康管理、慢性病自我管理推行的实际情况,研究医疗意见领袖在慢性病患者在改变不良生活习惯、合理就医、及时就医等行为中的介入模式;研究医疗意见领袖的识别、类型和功能,探讨医疗意见领袖介入要素,介入模式,评估对患者就医行为影响的大小;经实证研究后,分析不同类型医疗意见领袖在慢性病管理中的影响大小,运用创新扩散理论,对慢性病患者预防和治疗信息认可的影响因素及接受阻力因素进行分析,并制定医疗意见领袖在防治疾病信息传播中的促进策略,使用社会网络分析对医疗意见领袖介入程度进行定量分析,进而分析医疗意见领袖对不同个体影响的大小,为我国现行慢性病管理模式下,建立更好的医患关系,持续改善慢性病患者的行为危险因素、持续合理就医提供研究依据。
中文关键词: 意见领袖;社会网络分析;社会支持;慢病管理;
英文摘要: Based on the study of chronic disease management at home and abroad,and the characteristics of chronic disease management functions of community health service system in China, we study medical opinion leaders intervention mode to change bad habits in patients with chronic diseases and guide their health seeking behavior; explore the tool to identify medical opinion leaders; explore the medical opinion leaders type, function, and key elements of the intervention model; assess the impact on patients health seeking behavior. Randomized test would be used to study the effect of medical opinion leaders in chronic disease management. Innovation diffusion theory can help to recognize the factors and resistance factors in patients with chronic disease prevention and treatment information diffusion, and can help to develop medical opinion leaders' intervention strategies. Using social network analyses analyze the medical opinion leaders' effect on different individuals. The study can promote current chronic disease management mode, build a better doctor-patient relationship, and continuing to improve the health behavior of patients with chronic diseases.
英文关键词: Opinion leader;Social network analysis;Social support;Chronic disease management;